Díaz Ayuso awarded Milei in Madrid: “Argentina is on the international map in a way that has not been seen for years”

Javier Milei received the International Medal of the Community of Madrid

Javier Milei with Isabel Díaz Ayuso
Javier Milei with Isabel Díaz Ayuso

President Javier Milei He thanked the award for the award and highlighted: “We come from the future to tell you a story that should be avoided. It is the damage that socialism causes.” “Don’t let socialism ruin your lives,” he expressed to Spanish citizens with strong criticism of “the political caste.”

In that sense, the leader of La Libertad Avanza reiterated his criticism of the ideas of “Social Justice” by ensuring that “it is unfair and violent.” “It is preceded by a theft, by the tax that if you don’t pay you go to prison,” he said.

Isabel Díaz Ayuso: “There is talk about Argentina everywhere”

The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, expressed the honor of receiving Javier Milei since, as she declared, “Argentina is talked about everywhere” and added: “Argentina and Spain have a lot in common: we share language, culture and we are not satisfied with what there is. We know that it can be better.” “Argentina is on the international map in a way that has not been seen for years,” she added.

“This afternoon hundreds of Argentines came with the hope of having you close,” he highlighted and acknowledged that he faces with “firmness and courage” the challenge of facing “the extreme economic situation.” “That’s why you get this medal,” he added.

“Worry about your country”: Victoria Villarruel responded harshly to a Spanish MEP, during Milei’s visit to Madrid

The Vice President responded forcefully to Irene Montero -former Minister of Equality and leader of Podemos-, who criticized the policies of the libertarian government and asked the European Commission to act to “guarantee the rights of the Argentine people, especially women and LGTBI people”

Victoria Villarruel and Irene Montero
Victoria Villarruel and Irene Montero

The differences between the Argentine government and the Spanish left-wing political leaders continue going deeper. This time, Victoria Villarruel and Irene Montero They were the protagonists of a new dialectical confrontation.

Javier Milei’s private meeting with the opposition leaders of Spain

Javier Milei was received in Madrid by Isabel Díaz Ayuso
Javier Milei was received in Madrid by Isabel Díaz Ayuso

President Javier Milei and the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei, held a meeting with the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

Javier Milei was received by Díaz Ayuso in Spain

The president arrived in the Spanish capital accompanied by the General Secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei

President Javier Milei He left on Thursday afternoon for Spain to begin a new international tour. The opposition Isabel Diaz Ayuso will present him with the International Medal of the Community of Madrid, an act that will have a high political impact.

Hours later he will be awarded the 2024 Juan de Mariana Prize at the Real Casino in Madrid, where he will speak for 30 minutes with Professor Jesús Huerta de Soto. Everything occurs within the framework of the strong confrontation that Pedro Sánchez, president of Spain, maintains.

Javier Milei arrived in Spain, where Díaz Ayuso will present him with a decoration

The head of state arrived in Madrid shortly before 9 a.m. (around 2 p.m. in the European country) to begin a new tour abroad. The meeting with the President of the Community of Madrid will represent a gesture of high political impact. He will also speak in Hamburg and meet with businessmen in Prague

The Argentine president, Javier Milei (2i), upon his arrival this Friday in Madrid, where he meets with the president of the Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who presents him with the International Medal of the Community of Madrid. EFE/Marshal
The Argentine president, Javier Milei (2i), upon his arrival this Friday in Madrid, where he meets with the president of the Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who presents him with the International Medal of the Community of Madrid. EFE/Marshal

President Javier Milei left on Thursday afternoon heading to Spainflew all night and He arrived in Madrid around 9 in the morning on Friday (almost 2pm in the Iberian capital) to start a new international tour.

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