What is the fruit that reduces blood sugar and few know

A diet based on large amounts of sugar It can cause various health problems to arise in a short time, because this substance begins to appear at high levels, which is harmful to the body.

The glucoseas it is called blood sugar It comes from the food we consume and is of vital importance for cells since they require this source of energy to carry out all their functions correctly.

Despite its relevance, if the substance is in a high degree it opens the way to the development of problems such as diabetes, it can also cause damage to the nerves and organs, hence the importance of considering reducing the consumption of foods rich in sugar.

Illustrative image: Freepik

This is the fruit that reduces blood sugar and few know

The type of diet is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, so when it comes to reducing the blood sugar There is an option that few know about. It is a fruit that is more effective when dehydrated, we are talking about the plum.

This fruit is rich in soluble fibers, highlighting pectin. Its components are essential to reduce the absorption of glucosethis promotes the reduction of sugar levels and insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas, improves its response capacity.

Plum helps reduce blood sugar. Image: Freepik

On the other hand, the sorbitol found in plum makes the sugar of food is absorbed slowly, which allows the substance to be optimally regulated.

Due to its nutritional quality, the plum has captured the interest of specialists to delve into its benefits, this has meant that its benefits have scientific support, so in addition to its known potential to regulate the level of blood sugarhas other advantages.

This dried fruit has antioxidant, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also has a high content of dietary fiber that promotes intestinal health and consequently is a great ally against constipation, among other things.


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