In the maelstrom of July 26, work sets standards (+Photos)

Sancti Spíritus, June 22 (ACN) In the midst of the whirlwind of work that distinguishes the celebration of the national event for July 26 in the province of Sancti Spíritus, food production, the progress of investments and its impact on the economy and services and the battle against high prices are among the priorities.

According to Deivy Pérez Martín, member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) in the territory, the designation as the headquarters of the commemoration for the 71st anniversary of the assault on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks is the recognition of the industriousness of the people of Sancti Spiritus, in a very complex stage.


Under the impulse of a work system called Sancti Spíritus en Marcha we have defined what the priorities are, based on our potential, and, above all, how to mobilize the spirit of the locals and that everyone has the opportunity to contribute, he said in an interview. published today by the Escambray newspaper.

Eminently agricultural geography and with plenty of capabilities in areas such as grains, food production remains at the epicenter of its performance; Hence, according to Pérez Martín, among the lines defended in recent years are compliance with sowing campaigns, attention to crops, and requirements in hiring.

According to what the party leader explained to the newspaper, in a scenario marked by the shortage of fuel, fertilizers and spare parts, the most productive areas, the best seed have been sought and, with the support of voluntary work days, crops have been promoted. several, livestock.

The substitution of imports and the continuous search for other exportable products, the quality of services, the role that state companies must play and their coordination with the NON-state sector, as recognized economic actors, are issues followed closely by the authorities. of this central region.


Even though we were NOT able to comply with all the investments, progress was made in some related to Tourism and the Meliá Trinidad hotel was launched, highlighted the first secretary of the PCC in the demarcation, who meant that in Health, for example, the actions in the Multipurpose Room of the intensive care unit of the Provincial Hospital and the surgery rooms of the Pediatric Hospital.

A very great effort led us to the army of white coats reaching this moment with an infant mortality rate of 3.8 per thousand live births, the result of the work of doctors, nurses, primary and secondary care, own family, Pérez Martín continued; Meanwhile, he emphasized the decisive role of the people.

The most important thing is that we have managed to give participation to our workers and groups, to the people in general, he said, because everything has been based on them and with them, even though the fact of having reached the headquarters of July 26 does not mean to say that everything is resolved, he clarified.


In this sense, he stressed that one of the greatest dissatisfactions is the current prices; Together we have to continue organizing sales, the final destination of the productions and how they reach the counter, to the user, he pointed out.

He asserted that these celebrations will have the sign of work: in the countryside, in the communities, in the workplace, in the investment process of Hydraulic Resources, in the change of energy matrix of the water pumping stations.

This headquarters highlights the values ​​and qualities that most distinguish us, which are industriousness and dedication, Deivy Pérez Martín finally told the Escambray newspaper.

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