When does youth end?: scientific research gave a surprising answer

According to Stanford University, the end of youth is related to the modification of certain proteins.

Youth. Photo: Unsplash

Many individuals live in an eternal youth, while others quickly put it aside. However, the one who determines this limit, which is often diffuse, is the person himself. organism.

Researchers of the Stanford UniversityUnited States, discovered that the end of youth is given to 34 years. As they explained, during this period there is usually an alteration in the proteins that are related to aging.

Youth ends at 34 years old. Photo: Unsplash

Proteins are the workhorses of the body’s constituent cells.and when their relative levels undergo substantial changes, it means that you have changed too,” explained professor of neurological sciences and lead author of the analysis published in 2020, Tony Wyss-Coray.

Fruits, fiber, healthy diet. Photo: Unsplash

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How the research was carried out

To obtain these astonishing results, the team analyzed the plasma of 4,263 participants between 18 and 95 years old. The researchers carried out evaluations of 373 proteins, which act as “biological clock”.

“We have known for a long time that measure certain proteins in the blood can provide information about a person’s health status, e.g. lipoproteins for cardiovascular health“Wyss-Coray explained.

Research, science. Photo: Unsplash. The end of youth is related to proteins. Photo: Unsplash.

In addition, they recorded three turning points in the aging cycle: 34, 60 and 78, ages where more changes are seen in the amount of proteins transmitted by the blood.

Smoothie. Photo: Unsplash

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Boomers, Millennials and Centennials: which generation do you belong to according to your year of birth

In today’s world, several generations coexist. Each of them presents changes with respect to the events, the technological advances and sociocultural contexts. Additionally, they have different ways of speaking, thinking and acting.

Those born between 1928 and 1948 are located in the Silent Generation. These are people who came to adulthood in the period between the wars and the Great Depression in the United States. Nowadays, is the oldest living generation.

Older adults. Photo: Unsplash. Silent Generation. Photo: Unsplash.

Between 1945 and 1964 the Baby Boomersfor whom it is Work is a way of being and existing. Many women of this generation began to be part of the working world. They stand out for not giving much importance to recreational activities.

With the birth of the Internet and new technologies, the Generationbetween 1965 and 1981. According to a study by the University of Michigan, they are people who work hard to achieve balance in their lives.

In the years 1982 to 1994, the Millennial Generation. Although they adapt perfectly to new technologies, they prefer to preserve their privacy. Many are entrepreneurs and seek to make a living doing what they really like.

Children, cooking, recipes. Source: Pexels. Centennial Generation. Source: Pexels.

Those who perfectly handle new technologies and social networks are those people who belong to the Centennial Generation (between 1995 to 2009). They are self-taught, creative and usually overinformed.

Lastly, there is the Generation Alpha. Their hobby is watching videos on YouTube and TikTok. They interact perfectly on social networks.

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