Cuban deputies debate Migration bill • Workers

Cuban deputies debate Migration bill • Workers
Cuban deputies debate Migration bill • Workers

The Migration bill will be analyzed and debated by the deputies in the upcoming Ordinary Period of Sessions of the National Assembly of People’s Power, convened starting next July 17 of this year at the Havana Convention Palace. This seeks to regulate the Cuban migration process, under a systemic concept of development, aimed at achieving regular, orderly and safe migration, in accordance with what is established in the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, in the laws and in international treaties on the matter. migratory.

Photo: Tony Hernández Mena

As part of the broad legislative process, distinctive of Cuban socialist democracy; Deputies elected by municipalities of Havana and residents of the country’s capital enriched this proposed regulatory provision with their criteria on June 26, during a work meeting held at the National Capitol with the participation of the member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Esteban Lazo Hernández Party, president of the National Assembly of People’s Power and the Council of State.

The bill has transcendental importance, as part of the country’s legislative schedule and in response to the continuity of the updating of immigration legislation that began in 2012 to the present and, in addition, it complies with the constitutional postulates that in article 52 of the Magna Carta they establish in a general sense the immigration rights that are outlined for people, said Lieutenant Colonel Roilán Hernández Concepción, head of the Department of Legal Advice of the Directorate of Identification, Immigration and Immigration of the Ministry of the Interior .

«This exercise, both for those of us who can participate in the drafting group of these legal provisions and for the deputies, allows us to receive opinions, clarify doubts and incorporate proposals that come from the meaning and vision of our people of the Cuban immigration process, their behavior and development. We can say that this project will be strengthened with the opinion of our people, expressed in the feelings of the deputies,” he acknowledged in statements to the press.

An intense debate on the proposed regulatory provision took place this Wednesday, with more than twenty interventions by parliamentarians, which contribute to having a more solid bill, based on the collective contribution and knowledge expressed. in multiple opinions and proposals of the deputies. In this sense, Yaisel Osvaldo Pieter Terry, elected representative for the municipality of Ranchuelo, highlighted that this deep, enriching and broad debate of the bill is part of Cuban socialist, participatory and parliamentary democracy.

The text of the Migration bill, and the enabled email, is published on the website of the National Assembly of People’s Power, with the aim of promoting citizen participation in this legislative process.

Also participating in the work session were Ana María Mari Machado and Homero Acosta Álvarez, vice president and secretary of the Cuban legislature, respectively; José Luis Toledo Santander, head of the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Commission of the National Assembly; other directors of parliamentary committees; as well as members of the drafting committee of this proposed legal standard.

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