Loan’s disappearance: from the pain of every “urgent” on TV and the need for psychological support for María upon Fernando Burlando’s arrival at Goya

The window of the prosecutor’s office where Maria greeted the neighbors who marched to support her

Goya, Corrientes -special envoy-. The arrival of midnight was imminent and from the opposite sidewalk you could see the lights on the first floor of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office in the Corrientes city of Goya. Already Maria He had greeted from that same window the neighbors who marched shouting Justice for his son Danilo Peña Loan. In fact, she and her husband, José, as well as two of their children, were heading home to the town of July 9th where LThe 5-year-old boy’s bed has remained empty for 16 days.

However, Cesar Penaanother member of the family of the little boy who disappeared on June 13 in the area carobwas still in the courthouse. The image that could be seen that Thursday on the other side of the glass of that window -somewhat indiscreet-, from a distance, but magnified by the vision of the cameras; was of much distress.

And, precisely, distress It is the word that, from the environment of this family broken by the absence of one of the youngest members, they use most to describe how they felt when facing that first official meeting to give testimony before the federal prosecutor of Goya, Mariano de Guzmanand the envoys of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation Prosecutor’s Office (Protex). To tell everything they needed to say.

For the prosecutors as for the federal judge of Goya, Cristina Pozzer Penzoafter receiving the files sent by the provincial justice, it was imperative tell the family story of Loan, as hard as it was, to reconstruct what happened in the first 48 hours around the boy’s disappearance. “They needed to know first-hand everyone, who is distressed, they needed to testify. Jose, for example, never declared, he needed it“, he remarked in dialogue with Infobae a source of the case.

After testifying for more than 5 hours, this is how José and Alfredo Peña, Loan’s brothers, left the federal prosecutor’s office in Goya

AND Jose Penaone of the last brothers to appear before the prosecutors because when the rest of his family went he stayed to take care of the youngest, this Friday got into the transfer car after fulfilling the court appointment for more than five hours and, before the greeting of neighbors and the shouts of “force“, he smiled shyly, He closed his fist and opened his thumb in a sign of thanks.

Minutes before, José had appeared from the first floor window to thank with a gesture to the same neighbors who carry Justice for Loan posters through the streets of Goya.

Maria and Jose, Loan's parents, guarded by the Prefecture
María and José, Loan’s parents, guarded by the Prefecture

“This has surpassed any kind of support and attention that can be given to the immediate family of the missing child,” another source described the extent of the suffering within the family and gave a shocking fact: “They watch television 24 hours a day and every two minutes an ‘urgent’ appears and they get distressed.”. Not for nothing, the lawyers who advise the family are requesting, above all, extra psychological care for Loan’s mother.

In this context, the arrival of the lawyer Fernando Burlandosponsor of the family, this Saturday to the city of Goya and the town of 9 de Julio, occurs just when Judge Pozzer Penzo has run to the provincial policewhich had already been displaced quite a bit; and everything is concentrated in the federal forces. Each one with a specific role in this case that is being investigated as investigation of crime: Prefecture will take care of logistical issues, Gendarmerie will carry out the necessary operations in the field and the Federal police will be in charge of the investigation.

The PFA when taking boxes to the Federal Prosecutor's Office in Goya
The PFA when taking boxes to the Federal Prosecutor’s Office in Goya

And as time is running out for the investigation, this Sunday and Monday the work on the ground may intensify. It should be remembered that since the Ministry of Security of the Province of Buenos Aires They will add people and technical resources to working in an area that has not yet been combed with dronesyes reviewed on foot.

Meanwhile, the result of the expertise is awaited 20 cell phones kidnapped people, who in addition to being analyzed, will be subjected to data cross-referencing; something key.

It should be remembered that the case of Loan’s disappearance, which is now being investigated as a criminal investigation, has the ship captain (RE) imprisoned in the Salta and Chaco prisons. Carlos perez and his wife, the former municipal official Maria Victoria Caillava; to the uncle Antonio Benitezand the couple made up of Mónica del Carmen Millapi and Daniel “Fierrito” Ramírez for the crime of collection for exploitation purposes.

The photo of the lunch after which Loan disappeared
The photo of the lunch after which Loan disappeared

The sixth of those arrested is the commissioner Walter Macielwho is accused of concealment by real favoritism, qualified by the seriousness of the preceding crime and the public official status of the perpetrator.

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