what will the weather be like this weekend

what will the weather be like this weekend
what will the weather be like this weekend

The weather conditions and low temperatures that affect much of Patagonia reached the Atlantic Coast, where snowfall was recorded during the early hours of this Saturday, June 29. According to the report National Meteorological Service (SMN), weekend is expected with very cold weather in Buenos Aires.

In this frame, very low temperatures are expected: This Saturday in the AMBA temperatures are between 1° and 10°, while on Sunday the maximum will rise to 12°.

In addition, the agency issued a extreme cold alert In a large part of the country. Several provinces will register temperatures below 0°.

Snow in Buenos Aires

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During the early hours of Saturday, the minimum temperature in the areas near Mar del Plata dropped to 3°. In this context, Snowfall was recorded in the towns of Sierra de los Padres and Batán.

This event, added to the extreme cold alerts recorded in Tierra del Fuego, Santa Cruz and Chubut during the week, was due to the advance of a cold front that moved from Patagonia to the south of the Atlantic Coast. For this reason, this climatic event took place, which was captured by several locals, and was subsequently disseminated on social networks.

Weather in Buenos Aires

According to the forecast of the meteorological agency, This weekend is expected to be one of the coldest of the year. In this way, he indicated that they will register minimum temperatures that will be around 2° in the City of Buenos Aires and its surroundings.

The SMN reported that a Saturday is expected with clear skies in the early morning and tomorrow, slightly cloudy in the afternoon and partially cloudy at night. As to maximum temperatures will not exceed 14°.

In addition, an entry of cold air is expected from the south, and winds that could reach speeds of up to 50 km/h.

Polar cold: which provinces are affected by low temperatures?

While there are forecasts of snow in several areas of the country, the SMN maintains new warnings for this Saturday cold and extreme low temperatures in almost the entire territory. Several provinces will record temperatures below 0.

Cold Polar Wave Winter Weather

Polar cold in Buenos Aires.

Ignacio Petunchi

In this regard, a yellow alert which covers the entire province of Buenos Aires except the coast; and areas of Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Corrientes, Santiago del Estero, Jujuy, Tucuman, Catamarca, La Rioja, San Juan, Mendoza, Cordoba, San Luis, La Pampa, Neuquen, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego.

This indicates that temperatures can be dangerousespecially for risk groups such as children, people over 65 years of age, with chronic diseases. In the case of Santa Cruzthe warning for extreme low temperatures rises to red alert.

Recommendations to protect yourself from low temperatures

This is why specialists share a series of recommendations to keep in mind when exposed to these extreme temperatures:

  • Avoid exposing yourself to the cold outdoors for a long time. When going out, dress warmly with many layers of light clothing.
  • Generate more body heat through movement (walking, standing and sitting, moving limbs, etc.).
  • Keeping your home safely heated.
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature, as they can cause respiratory diseases.
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