“What is the myth of Sisyphus that was mentioned by Marion Reimers in Barcelona’s elimination from the Champions League?

“What is the myth of Sisyphus that was mentioned by Marion Reimers in Barcelona’s elimination from the Champions League?
“What is the myth of Sisyphus that was mentioned by Marion Reimers in Barcelona’s elimination from the Champions League?

Myth of Sisyphus, mentioned by Marion Reimers in Max photo: X/@21chep

Every day you learn something new, in all areas, it was a night of terror for Barcelona and one of glory for him PSGHowever, in addition to the match, sports stories always leave us with something new, such was the case of the quarterfinal second leg match between those two titanic teams, which again gave us a lot to talk about due to the comments of Marion ReimersMAX commentator, once Mbappé scored his double to put the final nail in Barcelona’s coffin.

“We said that he had to climb that hill, well now, like the myth of Sisyphus, he has managed to overcome it because he had to climb that rock over and over again to the top of the mountain and he would fall again.”

However, although his analogy regarding unappreciated effort is interesting, his comments were considered out of place by the community in refers to and therefore seeks to attract the attention of audiences by exaggerating actions.

The Mexican commentator was the target of criticism for her comments during the game between Real Madrid and Manchester City. Photo: Jovani Pérez

Previously, the journalist has given statements that generate controversy, in the Real Madrid match against Manchester City she compared Erling Haaland’s offensive-defensive duel with the German defender Antonio Rüdiger with the fight of Godzilla vs King Kong. Comments that were considered racist although she made the clarification that Kong was Haaland.

For the pamboloros who have not assimilated the myth of Sisyphus, we will explain it briefly so that they can understand Marion Reimers’ analogy which is neither colloquial nor common to hear.

The myth of Sisyphus is one of the most influential narratives in Greek mythology, addressing themes of useless effort and eternal punishment. According to legend, Sisyphus was the founder and king of Ephyra (later known as Corinth). Famous for his cunning and for being considered the most cunning among mortals, Sisyphus lived a life marked by both his deception against the gods and his attempts to overcome death.

The most notable story around Sisyphus begins when he betrays Zeus, the supreme god of Olympus, by revealing one of his love affairs to a river that was affected by the relationship. As punishment for his audacity and defiance, Zeus decides that Sisyphus must receive punishment in the underworld for all eternity.

The punishment assigned by the gods was to push a huge boulder up a steep slope. However, every time Sisyphus managed to get the rock closer to the top of the hill, an irresistible force caused the rock to roll down, forcing him to start his task from scratch. This cycle of unrewarded effort and eternal failure is at the heart of the myth.

Sculptures of the Parthenon, Greece (AP Photo/Matt Dunham, File)

Before his eternal punishment, Sisyphus tried to cheat death on two occasions. In the first, he tricked Thanatos (the personification of death) by chaining him, thus preventing death from taking any mortal for a time. This act caused disorder in the natural world until Ares, the god of war, intervened, freeing Thanatos and delivering Sisyphus to death.

In his second attempt to avoid his fate, Sisyphus managed to trick Persephone, queen of the underworld, into allowing him to return to the world of the living under the pretext of settling a dispute, thus gaining a brief reprieve before he was finally captured and taken away. to the underworld to receive his punishment.

The myth of Sisyphus is a reflection on the limits of human cunning and the inevitability of destiny. The futility of his efforts and his eternal punishment have resonated through the centuries as a metaphor for the human struggle against the vicissitudes of life and the search for meaning in a universe that often seems indifferent to our tribulations.

Philosophers and thinkers throughout history have found in the myth of Sisyphus a rich source of inspiration and analysis. Perhaps the most famous is Albert Camus, who in his essay “The Myth of Sisyphus” interprets the story as an allegory of human resistance to the absurdity of existence. For Camus, Sisyphus’ effort and persistence, despite the lack of hope and the certainty of failure, represent a rebellion against the illogic of life, finding in the struggle itself a sense of liberation.

The myth of Sisyphus invites us to reflect on the human condition, the meaning of work, existence and acceptance of destiny. The image of Sisyphus eternally struggling, pushing his rock uphill only to see it fall again, has become a powerful symbol of human endeavor in his tireless quest to reach the top, despite the adversity and inevitable disappointment that can accompany it. our most fervent efforts.

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