Shameful: a father and his son were forced to throw away the América shirt at the Cruz Azul stadium | Soccer

Friday, May 24, 2024 | 15:01

Capture | Record Diary


In a shameful episode, a father and son, América fans, were forced to throw away their club shirts when arriving at the Ciudad de los Deportes Stadium to watch the first Liga MX final against Cruz Azul.

A scene as shameful as it was reprehensible was faced by a father and son, fans of Americaon his visit to Cruz Azul for the first final of the MX League.

It turns out that the ‘Águilas’ fans had a terrible time upon their arrival at the Ciudad de los Deportes Stadium, because They were forced to throw away their club’s shirts.

The event was recorded by a witness and recorded on video, where you can see how they worriedly threw away their clothes, in front of a ‘mob’ of followers of the rival team who shouted everything at them. “Burn them!” was the softest thing.

“America fan and his son were forced to take off their Águilas shirts and throw them in the trash”shared the Diario Récord.

The most striking thing was that the venue’s own security agents who prevented the Americanists from entering with the official t-shirt.

Finally, and faced with the rejection of the ‘cemeteries’, the father and his son got black and white t-shirts to be able to observe the confrontation. The game ended 1-1.

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