200,000 euros punishment for the media that invented the interview with Schumacher

The experiment has cost both the magazine Die Aktuelle and Anne Hoffman, the one who was the director of the magazine that gave the OK to the disastrous joke in which a supposed AI (Artificial Intelligence) conducted a supposed interview with Michael Schumacher, who has not been able to speak for eleven years. For the same reason they could have announced one with Jesus Christ.

The announcement of the supposed exclusive in April 2023, entitled ‘Michael Schumacher, the first interview’, The subsequent teasing and the feeling that anything goes without anything happening, found the family wall, which announced legal appeals against this action by crossing all limits, which a year later has resulted in a 200,000 euro fine to compensate the Schumacher family, who are scrupulous about information about Michael.

At the time, the director of the Funke media group, to which the magazine belongs, Bianca Pohlmann, quickly condemned what happened at the time and He chose to fire Hoffman suddenly. “This distasteful and misleading article should never have appeared. In no way does it meet the journalistic standards that we, and our readers, expect,” he said in a statement.

Michael Schumacher’s family will sue magazine for false interview

“As a result of the publication of this article, there will be immediate personal consequences. The editor-in-chief of Die Aktuelle, Anne Hoffmann, who has held journalistic responsibility for the magazine since 2009, will be relieved of her duties as of today,” it closed.

It was not the first time that Hoffmann gave free rein to the strange ideas of his people about the Schumachers since in 2015, they published that Corinna, Michael’s wife and guarantor of the safety and secrecy of the pilot’s treatment, He had “a new love in his life”, which later became the new partner of Gina, his daughter.

In 2014 they published “How lucky! He sits in the sun!” with a photograph that suggested it was from his recovery, but it was really from the year before the accident. And also a “wake up” with double meaning, to talk about other famous people or cases that came back from a coma.

In 2017, the Hamburg district court ordered themagazine “Bunte” pay Michael Schumacher compensation of 50,000 euros in damagess, in addition to legal fees, for publishing that Michael had walked again.

The only official update on the status of the seven-time world champion comes from the Schumacher documentary, broadcast in 2021, in which Corinna, his tireless wife, assures that “we live together at home. We do therapy. We do everything we can to help Michael get better and to make sure he is comfortable, and simply so that you feel our family, our bond. We try to continue as a family, the way Michael liked it and still likes it. And we move on with our lives.”

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