Junior has already defined what he will do with ‘Dengue’

Junior has already defined what he will do with ‘Dengue’
Junior has already defined what he will do with ‘Dengue’

Junior It already has some things advanced for the second half of the year. In addition to the output of Brayan Ceballos, Vladimir Hernandez and Johan Bocanegrathe ‘Sharks’ have decided what they will do with several players who had little chance of playing in the first half.

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In the specific case of the Argentine Nicolás Zalazar, who came to make up for the absence of Rafael Perezseriously injured at the beginning of the campaign, the idea is to keep him in the club and be able to use him in the rest of 2024.

The central defender has a contract valid until December. Unfortunately he didn’t have much luck because he caught the virus. dengue and then, after ten minutes on the field in the game against America in it Pascual Guerrero stadiumfrom Cali, was injured.

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When he recovered, the team was already in decisive stages and the coach Arturo Reyes He chose to give continuity to those who have been playing most frequently: Emanuel Olivera, Jermein Peña and Howell Mena. Ceballos was not taken into account in the last section because it was not planned to renew his contract.

‘Dengue’ Zalazar, as people jokingly began to nickname him after the medical misfortunes he suffered, has left a good impression in Junior’s training sessions. Several players have commented that he has the technical conditions to play for the red and white club.

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Thus, adding Rafael Pérez, who will be available in the second semester, Junior would be left with the five defenders he currently has: Peña, Olivera, Mena and Zalazar.

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