those who leave, those who approach and the philosophy of Tiago Nunes – En Cancha

those who leave, those who approach and the philosophy of Tiago Nunes – En Cancha
those who leave, those who approach and the philosophy of Tiago Nunes – En Cancha

June 3, 2024 at 5:57 p.m.

Catholic University He finished the semester better than I thought. After the arrival of Tiago Nunes, The Crusaders changed course in the National Championship and despite the fact that they ended up falling to Coquimbo on date 15look with different eyes at the second stretch of the local season

The expectant third place in which the UC went on vacation also causes fans to be tempted to attack the top and for this the role that the team takes in the transfer market can appear as a key to improving what has been shown in the last two seasons, where they entered the Copa Sudamericana through the window and could not access the group stage.

Tiago Nunes’ short squad needs variants

The casualties due to injury that he suffered Catholic University They were the best example of the problem in terms of squad extension. The Crusaders had to improvise in areas such as the central defense, the sides and the midfielder’s area, so expanding the squad could be the first task for Tiago Nunes.

“The first market I have is the internal one. Look at our players and see who can add minutes and if we do not find solutions within our house, now we will see solutions in the market”, was the declaration of intentions of the Brazilian coach, which when read between the lines allows us to see which areas have been most lacking. of alternatives.

Adding a court steering wheel then appears as one of the priorities at UC, because when Agustín Farias has been absent, either due to injury or suspension, his replacements have not been up to par and both Brayan Gonzalez as Alfred Canales They returned the shirt when it was their turn to enter.

The Paraguayan Marcos Gomez was the first name that came out to the dance, being the president of Olympia who recognized the contacts, but the price asked by the Guaraníes (estimated at 1.5 million dollars) would make the operation unviable.

Aaron Astudillo: The first to say goodbye?

When thinking about casualties, one of the players Catholic University that lost ground as the semester progressed was Aaron Astudillo. The Chilean-Venezuelan who comes from the crossed youth team started the year adding a large number of minutes and was the natural replacement for Guillermo Soto, reinforcement that had to take over the right wing.

That did not happen with complete authority, but Aaron Astudillo He also did not take advantage of Soto’s low level and when the former Huracán was injured, he was finally Branco Ampuero who ended up earning the position in the zone, despite being a central defender by training.

The UC seeks the return of Valber Huerta

Returning to the center of the defense, adding a central defender is one of the needs that they want to cover Catholic University and after the constant tug of war with Gary Medel wrote a new chapter that did not reach port and that Benjamin Gazzolo of Huachipato appeared in the orbit of the Crusaders, an “old” banner could turn around.

Is about Valber Huerta, defender who jumped from the same UC towards the Toluca from Mexico and after several seasons standing out, he seems determined to return.

That is still in development, but the player’s good relationship with Cruzados and the approval that Nunes would have given him is paving the way for his return.

Alexander Aravena, the “x factor” that could change everything

Beyond the names that appear in the ring, the discourse that emanates from San Carlos de Apoquindo has been clear: conformity with the squad and without searching for names until there are no exits.

That is precisely what is at stake in the fate of Alexander Aravena, the call to be the next big sale of the crusaders and who has the chance to get into the America Cup to continue growing your bonuses.

If his departure is finalized, Catholic University You will find fresh money but the obligation to go for an ace of spades if you do not want to lose ground in the great objective that you found almost on the rebound: go for the National Championship.

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