The DESPERATE moment that Kun Agüero experienced in the middle of a storm in Miami

The DESPERATE moment that Kun Agüero experienced in the middle of a storm in Miami
The DESPERATE moment that Kun Agüero experienced in the middle of a storm in Miami

The former player of the Argentine National Team and Manchester City went out with a group of friends during a storm and recorded the scare they got from the flood.

June 13, 2024, 2:17 p.m.

The former National Team and Manchester City player went out driving in the middle of the flood and left everything recorded on his social networks. (Video Kun Agüero TW)

A strong storm hit Miami in the last hours and the Kun Aguero was the protagonist. The former player of the Argentine National Team and Manchester City He went out for a drive and found himself in the middle of the flood.

Read also: Kun Agüero fought with a rival after a criminal kick in an amateur tournament in the United States

Kun was with his friends, who recorded everything that was happening. In the video that he shared on his social networks, you can see how the car he was driving travels through all the flooded streets, while everyone laughs and makes jokes.

“Pray, Malena!”was the cry of the Argentine in the middle of the flood, alluding to the famous video of the woman who was trapped with her daughter in the water and which went viral on social networks a few years ago.

Kun Aguero lives in Miami and was caught in the middle of the storm that hit that city. (Photo Kun Agüero Instagram)

“Good experience with my friends”commented Agüero along with the classic emoji of the face crying with laughter.

Delfina Merino, historic member of Las Leonas, was also trapped in the storm

Something similar happened to the former Las Leonas player, Delfina Merino, who was also left in the middle of the floodalthough he didn’t take it so gracefully.

The field hockey player recounted step by step what happened in her Instagram stories, where she also indicated that everything that had happened to her left her a lesson.

Delfina Merino shared stories of the flood in Miami. (Delfina Merino IG)

“I don’t usually share my entire day on social networks, but today I felt the need to do so because after what happened when they took me away from Las Leonas, sudden and unexpected situations have often generated fear in me. Today I overcame many complicated unexpected things and all with a fortitude and security that I had not felt in a long time. I’m already going to sleep with a feeling of personal satisfaction, a kiss to everyone,” he wrote.

Delfina Merino was scared after the flood in Miami, but she was able to move forward. (Delfina Merino IG)

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