Jean Beausejour made a harsh comparison between Ricardo Gareca and Eduardo Berizzo: “They were playing to save his position”

Jean Beausejour made a harsh comparison between Ricardo Gareca and Eduardo Berizzo: “They were playing to save his position”
Jean Beausejour made a harsh comparison between Ricardo Gareca and Eduardo Berizzo: “They were playing to save his position”

Jean Beausejour praised Ricardo Gareca after Chile’s 3-0 victory over Paraguay in a friendly prior to the 2024 Copa América (ADN)

Chili defeated 3-0 Paraguay in their last friendly match played at the National Stadium. This result confirmed the improvement that the southern team has been having in recent months and excited their fans about achieving something important in the Copa America 2024.

Coach Ricardo Gareca has been key in this notable improvement of the ‘red‘. Despite his recent arrival, the ‘Tiger’ has achieved a significant change in the team’s performance, which has sparked enthusiasm among the team’s followers.

In relation to this progress, Jean Beausejourformer player of the famous ‘golden generation‘who won two titles of the America Cup and participated in the 2010 South Africa and 2014 Brazil World Cups, and now a commentator on ESPN, praised the work of Gareca. He stated that, although the coach has done a great job, the victory is also due to the performance of the players and the context of the match.

The match at the National Stadium showed a Chili dominant from the start, securing their victory with goals at key moments of the match. This result not only boosts the team’s morale, but also raises hopes of a good performance in the next Copa América.

The chilean team He continues to prepare for future challenges, trusting to maintain the level of play shown under the direction of Gareca. The friendly against Paraguay was an indication that the team is on its way to regaining its prominence in South American football.

We have a very good coach, who likes to play football well, and who gives you identity. Gareca teams are identifiablebut we must not ignore all the elements that make a team play more or less well,” he commented.

Chile beat Paraguay 3-0 in an international friendly match for the June FIFA date.

The remembered left back also dared to compare the former coach of Peru with Eduardo Berizzo, its predecessor in the southern country. Firstly, he assured that the fans have greater tolerance for the ‘Skinny’and gave as an example that, when the team of the ‘Toto’ went back, the fans protested, but now they are patient and let the idea develop:

“Regarding the atmosphere and the tolerance there was with the coach, who was short. When the team regressed, you felt that not all the players handled the pressure in the same way,” he indicated.

Furthermore, he stated that, during Berizzo’s time, it was the footballers who had to give everything to safeguard their position as coach, causing them to lose focus, but now it is the opposite:

“At the time, a group of players, who had not been in the national team for long, and who had the responsibility of giving him play, They were practically playing to save the coach’s job. They entered the field with one of those purposes, instead of the purpose being to win the game.. Many lines came together: the questioning of the coach, the lack of tolerance, and to that we must add the need to beat a rival. He was angry. “It is good that the panorama has changed and that tolerance levels are higher,” he expressed.

Ricardo Gareca obtained two victories and one defeat in his first three games as coach of Chile. – Credit: Photosport

Jean Beausejour He also took time to analyze the development of the match between Chileans and Paraguayans, and gave the impression that everything worked out for those led by Ricardo Gareca, using the term ’round party’:

“Good football expression, especially the first half. If there is a concept to outline, it is a good idea. The men in the middle found the spaces that are so difficult to find in football, between the line of 4 defenders and the 3 midfielders, the one between the lines. There they were lethal when they were able to turn, they faced the full-backs. It was a great match from the proposal. The individuals were up to the task of the match, which is not easy. The match leaves you with few things to pay attention to, Chile tied up Paraguay from all sides, they never found a way back,” he indicated.

However, he warned that, in the second part, when those led by Daniel Garnero They dared to come out and placed tall forwards with good aerial play like Alex Arce or Fabián Balbuena, things became complicated at times for the ‘mapuches‘. “When they put more attackers, Chile became more complicated, they put good receivers for the centers. In any case, it was a good football expression of Chile.”

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