How much money does Karla Gálvez ask Miguel Trauco for the support of her minor children?

How much money does Karla Gálvez ask Miguel Trauco for the support of her minor children?
How much money does Karla Gálvez ask Miguel Trauco for the support of her minor children?

Know the amount that Karla Gálvez requests from Miguel Trauco for the support of her children. | Composition/Infobae

The dispute between Karla Gálvez and soccer player Miguel Trauco has escalated again, this time focused on the support of her two minor children. Claudia Zumaetathe woman’s lawyer, revealed on ‘Magaly TV La Firme’ the amount that the mother of the family demands for the children, based on the various expenses necessary for their well-being.

This confrontation began when the model publicly accused to the defender of the Peruvian team for not wanting to cover the costs of a school trip for his descendants. This accusation aroused the annoyance of the athlete, who revealed to the show host Francisco Arévalo how much he spends monthly on the young woman.

“It’s not that I have old thinking, it’s just that I’m tired of being bullied, she says she doesn’t have the money to pay extra for school, but she does have the money to travel weekly to Tarapoto to party,” he said, emphasizing that the $5,300-a-month pension it provides should be enough.

Miguel Trauco’s sister attacks Karla Gálvez after attacking a soccer player. atv

“So many single mothers who give them 1,000 soles as a pension and live in peace; However, to the lady, $5,300 a month is not enough”he added.

The lawyer and the woman announced that they will demand from the Peruvian soccer player, who plays abroad, the total sum of 10 thousand dollarscalculated amounts that are based on expenses towards minors.

In this regard, Zumaeta reported in detail about the monthly costs that include clothing: S/ 2,500 for each child; personal hygiene, S/ 1000 in total; fuel for transportation, S/ 1000 per month; and university insurance of S/ 300 for each child.

Karla Gálvez and Miguel Trauco separated in 2019.

In addition, food expenses total S/ 1,800, and the school monthly fee amounts to S/ 3,000 for both minors. Recreation involves another S/ 1,000 for each child, while home maintenance, electricity, and internet cost S/ 4,144.

Additionally, Karla Gálvez makes a monthly payment of more than S/ 3,000 for the mortgage of the apartment in which they live.

Miguel Trauco faces new legal conflicts due to a child support lawsuit filed by his own parents. As revealed by the program ‘Magaly TV La Firme’, this could affect the finances for her two children.

Karla Gálvez denies Miguel Trauco and assures that she also makes expenses for her son. | Composition/Infobae

Gálvez’s lawyer, Claudia Zumaeta, highlighted that the player’s parents do not have health problems that justify the lawsuit. “The judge will evaluate the athlete’s family burden. The parents are in good health and one of them is a teacher,” she commented.

“On May 28, we filed the lawsuit, and on June 6, his parents filed a lawsuit for food, requesting 30% of his salary. “This is a legal trick to evade food responsibility,” added the defender.

The mother of the Peruvian defender’s children, noticeably upset, added: “I don’t understand why they do this if three weeks ago they were defending their son.”

The value of Miguel Trauco has declined in recent years. According to Transfermarkt, this fluctuates at 1.8 million euros, in contrast to 2 million during the 2017-2018 period. The player, who is now part of the Criciúma team in the Brazilian Serie A Championship, will turn 32 this August.

Magaly Medina to Miguel Trauco: “If you enjoy a solvent living status, your children deserve it too.” (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

On the other hand, Trauco’s father, in a recent interview for América TV, expressed his disappointment over the complaint against his son, arguing that the current pension is already sufficient.

Galvez He announced on social networks that he will take legal action to protect the integrity and mental health of his children. The couple separated in 2019 after an incident in Italy, where he was seen with model Valeria Roggero.

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