Ramírez: “It has been a gift of life to be coach of Sporting”

Ramírez: “It has been a gift of life to be coach of Sporting”
Ramírez: “It has been a gift of life to be coach of Sporting”

The departure of Miguel Ángel Ramírez from Sporting is now official. The club organized a farewell press conference in El Molinón for the Canarian coach, who was accompanied by president David Guerra, and to which Several players from the squad and former red and white player Pedro Díaz attended.. Among his words of gratitude, Ramírez confessed that in his career it will forever remain that “It has been a gift of life to coach Sporting”.

Miguel Ángel Ramírez recalled that his actions are usually guided by instinct and his feelings. “I felt that a year and a half here was enoughwhich could wear me out more,” he noted during his appearance, although he assured, on the other hand, that The decision he has made “has been very difficult”.

In his presentation, Ramírez said he understood that “An objective has been met, which was to help the club be closer to First Division”. Now, she clarified that “my goal was more important than winning games on the weekend; I wanted to make a structure, a basis so that you can achieve the goal in the future”.

And he added: “I have tried to contribute the most to a club and a city that are the history of the sport that I love.. I have focused on the present, living each situation with intensity, while knowing that an important part of my work was to leave a good foundation for the future. I have understood that Leading this giant requires a very high level of energy, passion and enthusiasm.. And I understood that now, being closer to Primera, good foundations have been laid so that someone can complete the work.”

Ramírez stated that “we have left everything“We have been excited together in victories and defeats, and I feel that we have connected as you only connect when you put passion into what you believe.” For him, “that is also winning.” The Canarian coach also pointed out that “This coaching staff that I lead is now much better than when we arrived in Gijón”.

Miguel Ángel Ramírez was excited after “516 days that I will never forget”while expressing his gratitude to the Orlegi Group for the opportunity it gave him to live “this unique experience”as well as all the people who have worked by his side.

For his part, executive president David Guerra began by talking about “a sad day, because goodbyes have that character, but it is also a happy day because we closed a stage and it is a source of happiness to finish it together and see so many people here,” he said.

Guerra conveyed to Ramírez the club’s happiness for having had him as coach of Sporting. “We are happy to have bet on you, having stood firm, all of us, when the wind was blowing more against because we saw work on a daily basis that gave us reasons to believe. Of all the moments lived, difficult and happy, “We have learned and everything has made us better”indicated the red and white leader.

Guerra valued the contribution of the coaching staff to the evolution of the club. “We have built something solid that will have continuity; we are sure”. The executive president stated that Miguel Ángel Ramírez leaves “a great mark in sportinguism and in many people from Asturias.”

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