It is a replica of Mussolini’s berret.

It is a replica of Mussolini’s berret.
It is a replica of Mussolini’s berret.

Ángel Cappa lapidary about the government of Javier Milei: “It is a berret replica of Mussolini”

The former coach of River and Huracán, Angel Cappa, criticized the government of Javier Milei after the incidents that occurred in the Congress when the Senate voted on Base Law. “It is intimidation, it is an intention of the government so that people do not protest. That is to say, it is a contempt for the Constitution and democracy.”, he argued about the police arrest and repression that took place last week.

Along the same lines, Cappa added: “It bothers these guys that people give their opinion, dictators don’t like it, because for me today Argentina is a civil dictatorship, and that bothers them.”.

The former coach of Hurarán argued that people have the right to express themselves without inconvenience. “What is happening in Argentina is tremendous, but luckily the Argentine people have a long history of fighting against abuses and I have confidence in that, that they will organize to continue fighting for their rights,” he commented.

Then, transferring the political positions in the world of football, Cappa did not hide his surprise when hearing some opinions from great figures: “The players know that if they express their opinion against those who govern they will have a problem. Because those who think in favor of the right do not want any problems. Batistuta, Tevez, Agüero and Abbondanzieri said supporting Milei, none other than Milei, who is very difficult”.

Reaffirming that this position does not make sense to him, Cappa added: “It is screwed to support Milei who is a berret replica of Mussolini. It has to be done, it seems to me that they have the right and nobody tells them anything. Now if they give their opinion against it, it creates a problem for them.”

On the other hand, when asked about the consequences of giving his opinion on different issues, now against Milei’s government, the former Racing coach was forceful, ensuring that he never kept quiet when it came to giving his opinion. “I don’t think so, I didn’t stop to think about that. Once at Real Madrid I had the suggestion from the leaders that I not speak because I represented the club and I told them that I represented myself alone. “I’m going to continue talking about everything that comes to mind.”

Finally, Cappa referred to the statements of Kylian M’bappé who called for the French people to vote to stop the advance of the extreme right: “He has a very clear relationship with Macron and then he tells young people that they have to vote because the issue is complicated”.

Referring to the fact that the brand new front of the real Madrid has a great impact every time he speaks, Cappa added: “He talks about two extremes when there is only one, that’s why I don’t agree. What I do agree is that he can say whatever he wants.”

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