It’s now official: ‘it will be trusted’ when Atlético Bucaramanga is champion of the Copa Libertadores

Claudia Hernández’s store went viral for the sign that promised that it would be trusted if Atlético Bucaramanga won the championship.

Photo supplied/VANGUARD

Claudia Hernández is the fan who had the idea of ​​the famous sign that said: “trust when Bucaramanga is champion of the A.”

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The picturesque sign rested in front of his business, Tienda Búcaros y Regalos, a place that more than a store looks like a museum dedicated to Atlético Bucaramanga.

Claudia is one of those few fans who accompanied the team in the hardest moments and when “only 50 people approached the stadium.”

The love for ‘Leopard’ arose thanks to his father Reinaldo Hertnández. Reinaldo’s wish was to have a child who shared his great passion for football, however, Claudia was like that ‘little son’ who adopted the colors of the ‘auriverde’ team.

From a very young age he attended the departmental stadium and got to know each of the stands, “I have gone to the south, north, east and west. And in that place we lived through very hard times like relegation,” the entrepreneur ‘Búcara’ recalls with great pain.

Today, more than two decades have passed since she decided to open one of the first stores specializing in team merchandise from the capital of Santander.

Photo Felipe Jaimes/VANGUARDIA

Initially the store started in a small booth located across the entire front of the Mesón de los Búcaros. But, thanks to the acceptance of the clientele, the point moved to the corner between Carrera 26 and Calle 30.

When you look into the room with green doors and yellow stripes, you can see a variety of stuffed animals and dolls wearing clothing referring to the teams. Each of these garments were made by the same owner using a sewing machine and a unique creativity in the city.

However, what seems like a ‘champion’ story has had moments in which the score was against.

Photo Felipe Jaimes/VANGUARDIA
Photo Felipe Jaimes/VANGUARDIA

They suffered for the longed-for star

If the achievement of the first star and the history of the store have something in common, it is suffering. The facility has been the target of violence on multiple occasions by young people and street residents who were under the influence of narcotics.

Hernández’s clamor towards the municipal administration has been constant, but they have not even received the two chambers that former mayor Juan Carlos Cárdenas promised them. Unfortunately, the presence of National Police agents in Parque de Lo Ninos has not been enough to stop robberies that have left the premises with broken windows and merchandise in the hands of other people’s friends.

The call from this true fan is that “the current mayor’s office should be aware of security in this area, because we had already reported dangers that ended in tragedy.”

Photo Felipe Jaimes/VANGUARDIA
Photo Felipe Jaimes/VANGUARDIA

Now that the team has won the championship, the merchant is clear that she will continue with the cabal of the sign. “Just as this sign was a premonition, I will be happy to make another one that I hope the Libertadores will bring us,” revealed the owner of the Búcara store.

Obviously, you are not going to trust any product because the sign is nothing more than a joke or a cabal. The local already has enough stamina to question his love and commitment to the team. Even the store was one of the few places that served as a refuge for loyal fans who were judged by the team’s difficult times. Through thick and thin, the space that Claudia Hernández founded will continue to market “everything related to our beloved team.”

What makes Claudia Hernández a real fan is her commitment to endurance. While many people stayed at home on civic day, after receiving the team, she got up early to go to the Central Cemetery in order to visit those who are no longer here and dreamed of the championship. Few are the people who performed such a gesture of greatness.

Through a humorous video in which Víctor González and Camilia Guarguatí (better known as Venga Le Digo) are seen, Claudia announced that the promise is maintained and will be escalated to the Latin American championship.

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