Serpa: “The last thing I wanted was to offend Santa Fe fans”

Serpa: “The last thing I wanted was to offend Santa Fe fans”
Serpa: “The last thing I wanted was to offend Santa Fe fans”

Millonarios broke the transfer market with one of the most important hires in the entire history of the FPC. After a couple of weeks of negotiations, The Ambassador team sealed the signing of Radamel Falcao García, who will fulfill his dream of wearing the blue shirt in the BetPlay League. As the days go by, the repercussions regarding the arrival of a true idol to the country’s capital increase.

Shortly after confirming the incorporation of the forward, Gustavo Serpa, president of the board of directors of Millonarios, spoke in Snail Radio about what was related to the agreement and told details of the meeting in which the player gave the final ‘yes’. But in addition to referring to the Falcao issue, The leader clarified his recent statements about Independiente Santa Fe that generated controversy on social networks during the last hours.

Gustavo Serpa explains his comment about Santa Fe

This past Friday, the manager gave an interview to W Radio in which, jokingly, he made a comment that upset the fans of the Cardenal team. Analyzing the impact that Radamel’s arrival in Colombia will have, Serpa acknowledged that there are several stars in different clubs in the country and pointed out: “we already have great figures who are going to shine more due to the presence of FalcaoRodallega is in the small team from Bogotá”, words that provoked numerous reactions.

This Saturday, the president of the Millonarios board of directors explained the situation and He assured that his statement was “a comment between friends” and a joke towards Julio Sánchez Cristo, renowned Red fan. He said at no point did he intend to offend.

“I made a joking comment about Santa Fe to Julio Sánchez, who makes bad jokes to me all day on the air. I made a comment about friends and it has become the cause of permanent attacks and offenses. The last thing I wanted was to offend the Santa Fe fans. This was a comment between friends, I respect the fans a lot.. In my family there are Santa Fe fans, some of my best friends are. If anyone felt offended, I am sorry and it is not at all disrespectful to the backyard rival,” Gustavo Serpa clarified on Caracol Radio.

This is how the hiring of Falcao was closed

The first contacts: “We had an initial meeting in Bogotá, already known. There we agreed to talk again. He goes to Santa Marta and then to the parks of Orlando with his children. After this, everything was a little distant because he was on vacation and we had agreed on that, Falcao spoke with his family and we prepared an economic offer. I took proactive action so that the enthusiasm was not lost. The offer interested him, it seemed fair and he understood that we were making an important effort. He called me and told me to talk in Miami on Tuesday morning. I told him that’s perfect. I took the plane on Wednesday and we decided not to meet that same day, but on Thursday morning at his house.”

The final meeting: “We greet his family, his wife, his in-laws. Afterwards, we went to a private room in the building with the person who advises him and is also his uncle. We arrived with Enrique Camacho (president of the club) and them to review things, the terms of the offer and the possibilities. It was easy to agree, they understood some circumstances and we understood points they mentioned. Everything was easy and simple. We had lunch nearby, we had a bottle of wine and we toasted, we shook hands. Falcao appeared with the bottle of wine and there I felt a rush and I said to myself: ‘There, this happened.’ “We shook hands, we took a photo at Camacho’s request.”

More details: “There I began to feel certain that the issue was a reality, because Falcao is a man of his word. It was a very nice meeting, very professional and very warm. We had another coffee, I ordered a whiskey because it was too stressful, we shook hands and said goodbye with a big hug at 4 in the afternoon. That’s what happened. We talked about dates, but there are still things to define regarding logistics. I feel that he will arrive directly to Buenos Aires, he is in constant conversation with (Alberto) Gamero. I see him happy, content, fighting for something that he wanted to live his entire life, after an extraordinary career. Reaching this moment with everything he has done and sharing with his family was a very beautiful moment.”

The signing of Falcao by Millonarios

When does the Tiger debut?: “What we hope is that the first game will be in Buenos Aires against River on July 9 and later it will be the first game in Medellín against Medellín at the beginning of the tournament. Let’s see if there is another preseason match that can be organized in Argentina, but in principle if the coach arranges it and I hope so and the Tigre is in good condition, it will debut in Buenos Aires and here in Colombia it will be in Medellín. This seems like it had been ordered to be done.”

Presentation of the forward before the fans in El Campín: “There are logistical complications, because there are concerts back to back. The idea is to do it after the team from Buenos Aires comes, to present Falcao in El Campín, I would say that that will be after July 12, in about twenty days…”

Should we build a team for Falcao? “No, Falcao, first of all, is a great professional, he is an exceptional human being, he is a humble and simple man. Millonarios creates a five-year-old process and has defined forms and has been successful, even with the setbacks we had this last semester…”

The success of the project allows this: “We have been developing a program that has to do with business and sports. In any company, the project, the program, austerity and financial conservatism are essential to achieve results. “It’s the same thing that happened in Millonarios.”

Will Álvaro Montero play with Falcao?: “We are interested in Álvaro continuing. Montero is a fundamental piece of the team’s structure and is part of the backbone. There have been no offers for him. If an offer arrives, it must be considered.”

What needs to happen for Radamel to stay longer?: “This has been public because Falcao has been direct and so have we, there is a tax issue that is complicated for Falcao, which would be activated after six months of Falcao living in Bogotá. That’s an important money issue. However, we must speak. Let’s make this viable for six months, at least, and we’ll see how things go. If we become champions, for example, and we are going to play in the Copa Libertadores, what do we do? We will explore solutions, we will see what has happened, but let’s say that contractually there is nothing articulated, we have talked about what are the possibilities of continuing if the conditions are met, he himself raised it in principle, but it is a complex issue of money, because It would cost him a lot of money to stay more than six months, but everything is a proposition that has to do with many things that can happen. For us, it would be extraordinary, but in principle every day he brings his desire and our desire was for Falcao to be with us, for him to play a season with us, and we already have that.”

The FPC grows with Falcao and player safety

Importance of Falcao in the League: “It is wonderful. I mentioned the other day that the arrival of Falcao, who is a special character for all Colombians, who let’s say he is a beacon and reference, is going to give more shine to all the other figures who are in Colombia and who are arriving. He even mentioned Ospina, Adrián Ramos, Bacca, Rodallega….”

Have presidents of other clubs congratulated you? “We don’t do things so that the presidents of the other teams congratulate us. I am very motivated, happy because the reception that has been received from Millonarios fans and Colombians for the Falcao issue is motivating and full of pride. Let’s hope the football festival continues, that Falcao’s presence serves to end polarization and hatred in this country. The idea is that we all enjoy it, that football continues to be a factor of unity and not violence.”

What will the theme be like in Xcoli, the club’s headquarters? “Fortunately the headquarters is well surrounded, it is protected, but hey, all of those are things that we will take care of starting this week, which do not require drastic changes either, but that, of course, we take them into account and we will do them.” to implement.”

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