Why is my cell phone connected to WiFi but it doesn’t have internet?

Why is my cell phone connected to WiFi but it doesn’t have internet?
Why is my cell phone connected to WiFi but it doesn’t have internet?

Network failures often cause problems in the academic and professional fields. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Internet connection has become a vital component of everyday life. From sending emails to streaming online videos, the need to stay connected is essential.

However, everyone has experienced the frustration of being connected to a seemingly functional WiFi network, only to discover that the Internet cannot be accessed.

This phenomenon, known as “WiFi connection without internet”, raises questions about the complexity of wireless networks and their potential failures. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this technological conundrum and how to address it effectively.

A poor WiF connection is caused by several factors. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

The first question that arises when faced with this type of problem is: why is my device connected to WiFi but does not have access to the internet? The answer may vary depending on various factorsbut common causes include problems with the router, incorrect settings on the device, or external interference.

The router is the essential element of a WiFi network. If you’re experiencing connection issues, your router could be the culprit.

A router in poor condition can mean connection problems. (Photo: Getty Images)

Possible reasons include a weak signal, incorrect settings, or hardware malfunction. Rebooting the router or checking its settings can often resolve these issues.

Sometimes the problem lies in the configuration of the connected device, whether it is a mobile device or a computer. There may be incorrect network configurationssuch as static IP addresses that conflict with the network, or a problem with DNS that prevents domain name resolution.

Not having an internet connection may be the result of a poor configuration on the device. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

In these cases, technology experts recommend adjusting the device’s network settings can restore the internet connection.

Additionally, these interferences, such as other electronic devices, thick walls, or nearby wireless devices, can hinder the WiFi signal and cause a poor or intermittent connection.

What must be done is move the device away from the router or eliminate sources of interference can improve connection quality.

A poor location of the router and objects that cause interference is another cause. (Photo: Europa Press)

Although identifying the cause of the problem is essential, it is also important to know some practical solutions to address this situation when it arises. Here are some helpful suggestions:

  • Restart the router and device: Often a simple reboot can resolve many connection issues. Turn off both the router and the device, wait a few minutes, and then turn them back on.
  • Check network settings: Make sure the network settings on your device are correctly configured to obtain an IP address automatically and use the DNS provided by the router.
  • Update router firmware: Router manufacturers often release firmware updates to fix bugs and improve performance. Check for available updates and apply them as needed.
  • Eliminate interference: Move away electronic devices that may cause interference and make sure your router is located in a central, elevated location for best coverage.
  • Contact Internet Service Provider: If the problem persists, there may be a problem with your Internet connection. In this case, contacting your Internet Service Provider for additional assistance may be necessary.

Although the experience of being connected to WiFi but without internet access can be disconcerting, it is important to understand the possible causes and solutions can help solve the problem effectively.

From router problems to incorrect settings on the deviceaddressing each contributing factor can restore connectivity and ensure a smooth online experience.

By understanding and facing this technological conundrum, you will be able to make the most of your Internet connection and maintain connection at all times.

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