The best Microsoft app you can install on your Windows PC becomes more useful thanks to AI

The best Microsoft app you can install on your Windows PC becomes more useful thanks to AI
The best Microsoft app you can install on your Windows PC becomes more useful thanks to AI

Advanced text pasting from PowerToys has arrived: this is how the AI-powered novelty works, designed so that you can get the most out of text pasting

Microsoft integrates AI into PowerToys: this is the new feature designed to enhance the pasting and formatting of clipboard elements

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Microsoft and AI go hand in hand, the Redmond company has presented to the world a series of innovations aimed at revolutionizing the laptop sector. Windows 11 is getting smarter, new features like Recall are proof of this. Of course, it is not the only thing that has received the touch of AI from Microsoft. It has been known that PowerToys now has a novelty that uses Artificial Intelligence.

Advanced Paste is the name of this new feature that is integrated into PowerToys. Microsoft has explained how it works in a publication on its official news blog and has given a name in Spanish, this being “Advanced text pasting.” The name is indicative of what it is capable of doing and its usefulness to users.

Advanced text pasting allows users to paste text copied in a particular format into text in a different format. It may sound confusing, but it is much simpler than it seems. By copying, for example, a simple text, then it can be pasted in JSON format without the user having to write the corresponding code for it.

PowerToys advanced text pasting has arrived: this is how the AI-powered novelty works

On a technical level, the novelty seeks to provide users with the possibility of pasting text without having to perform additional steps. Microsoft explains that The tool works thanks to the OpenAI API so the tokens They are limited and if they run out, you will not be able to use the feature.

The possibilities that Microsoft indicates about this tool are the following:

  • Summarize text– Take a long text from the clipboard and ask AI to summarize it.
  • Translate text– Take text from the clipboard in one language and ask AI to translate it into another language.
  • Generate code– Take a description of a function from the clipboard and ask AI to generate the corresponding code.
  • Transform text– Take text from the clipboard and ask AI to retype it in a specific style, such as a professional email or a casual message.
  • Styling text– Take text from the clipboard and ask AI to rewrite it in the style of a well-known author, book, or speaker.

The possibilities are enormous, and it is also something that Any user can use it for free. To install PowerToys on your Windows 11 computer, you will only need to visit the following link. In which the possibility of downloading it through GitHub or from the Microsoft store is offered.

The content creator, Craig Loewen, has published a video in which you can see the full potential of this novelty. The most striking thing is its applications at the programming level, making the work easier for all those people who need to integrate elements copied to the clipboard into their code.

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