How to stop receiving notifications from apps so that you value them

How to stop receiving notifications from apps so that you value them
How to stop receiving notifications from apps so that you value them

Choose when to rate iPhone apps or disable them completely!

There are other alternatives to rate apps without receiving notifications

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Mobile applications are an integral part of our lives. However, the convenience and usefulness they offer come accompanied by app notifications, some more necessary than others, such as rating requests that appear too frequently. Aware of this, Apple offers a way to turn off feedback request notifications on your iPhone and regain control of your experience.

How to turn off feedback requests on iPhone

Deactivating app notifications so that they are valid requires three steps that we mention below:

  1. Accede to Settings on your iPhone.
  2. Locate the section of the App Store.
  3. Disable the option “Ratings and reviews in the app”tapping the switch next to the option to turn it gray.

Should you disable ratings in the app?

The decision of Disabling review requests in the app is personal and depends on your preferences. If you feel overwhelmed by these constant requests, disabling them can be a good option to regain peace of mind while using your applications.

However, it is important to remember that Reviews are a valuable tool for developerssince they allow them to know the opinions of users and improve their applications.

If you come across an app you really like and want to support the developers, you can also rate the app manually by visiting their page in the App Store.

An alternative to in-app requests

If you want to rate an app without being asked, you can do so manually by visiting its page in the App Store. Find the app you want to rate and tap the “Rate” button. You’ll then be able to select a star rating and write a detailed review about your experience with the app.

If you do not want to disable notifications through Settings, you can consider the following options:

  • Customize your notifications on iOS: To deactivate a particular type of notifications, iOS offers a configuration that we can make for specific apps and in certain ones, according to our convenience.
  • Contact the app developer: If you have a specific app that you’re tired of receiving review requests for, you can try contacting the app’s developer directly and asking them to stop sending you these requests.

App review requests provide developers with valuable feedback to improve their products, but they can also be a nuisance for users. If you are in the camp of users who prefer an environment free of these requests, disabling them is a viable and simple option.

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