For this they will use the largest digital camera ever built: 3,200 megapixels of resolution


This is how the largest digital camera ever built will be used

  • Gemma Mecca
  • Graduate in History, master’s degree in Journalism and Digital Communication. She is an editor at Ok Diario. I tell stories, I am a lover of the stars, I follow the moon, Twitter TTs and fashion trends. She is an expert in consumer news, lifestyle, recipes and the Christmas Lottery.

The Largest digital camera ever built It has a total of 3,200 megapixels of resolution and already has a very specific use waiting for it. Technology advances at great speed and it does so with an eye toward important change.

Our eyes to the universe make us have the maximum possible technology to be able to capture these details that are light years from here. Space exploration will be the element that will make the creator’s dream of the largest camera ever built come true, not suitable for everyone and with a very specific use.

The largest digital camera ever built

What we have achieved with years of research is being able to build a camera that is truly amazing. Nowadays this element is part of anyone’s daily life and its use is almost more common than we can imagine. Of course, for a way of seeing the world that has nothing to do with all the potential that these tools have.

We all always carry a camera with us. With the proliferation of the digital universe we are facing an era in which we have everything in the palm of our hand. Phones are no longer just for calling or sending messages and have become our eyes to remember the world and create memories.

We take photos of everything around us and that means that we must have the best cameras at our disposal. In this case they come with megapixels, which are what allow us to have maximum resolution in everything we do.

Things are seen better or they are immortalized forever in a way that we may find difficult to create. We are facing an element that may end up being the one that makes the difference. Digital cameras help us take photos, but they can also give more details about the origin of the universe and everything it hides.

The use of the hand of space scientists is one of the most desired uses to be able to see beyond. With this resolution, entire galaxies can be photographed and analyzed. This is what experts say who do not stop seeing in the universe the key to knowing life on Earth and the place it occupies in a place that can seem enormous.

3,200 megapixels and a very specific use for this digital camera

The largest digital camera ever built already has its reason for being. The place it will occupy and the way in which it will be used. They explain it to us from the El Tiempo channel, since it has a lot to do with the study of the sky and how far we can go with a tool as sophisticated as this.

As they explain to us: «According to its creators, the 3.2 billion pixels They are enough to cover approximately 10 square degrees of the sky, equivalent to 40 times the size of the full moon. “And it will take snapshots of the sky every 15 seconds, which means an incredible amount of information.” This camera will be located in a very specific place: «The Rubin Observatory website indicates that the LSST camera will take hundreds of images of the sky of the southern hemisphere, during the planned 10 years of the study called “Space-Time Research as a Legacy.” for Posterity” (LSST). In each of the 3,650 nights that the study will last, the Rubin Observatory will generate about 20 terabytes of data, and at the end of the research, the resulting data set will be gigantic: about 60 petabytes!

The information that will be obtained from this camera will be destined for a very specific mission, continuing with the same explanation: «These data will be used by astronomers around the world, who will have access to the information through an online portal called Scientific Platform from Rubin, without the need for sophisticated equipment or computer systems… just a PC with Internet access. It is a splendid global opportunity to enhance scientific discoveries in the following areas: The nature of dark matter and the understanding of dark energy. Solar System Catalog. Mapping of the Milky Way. Exploration of the changing sky, that is, the study of objects that move or show changes in their brightness.

We are, therefore, facing a great advance that this digital camera will provide us with, which can give us more than one joy. It will be time to start preparing to be able to learn a little more about how an element of this type works that can give us a much more concrete image of the universe in which we live. We will have to wait a little, but surely the data obtained will be worth it, we will soon know how this great camera works.

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