will analyze documents and answer your questions

will analyze documents and answer your questions
will analyze documents and answer your questions

Artificial intelligence is experiencing a moment of great acceptance right now, and many technology companies such as Microsoft, Samsung or Google are betting on launching new models and integrating existing ones into their applications to help their users. However, from time to time the launch of new models also takes place, the latest of which NotebookLM, from Googlewhich is now available in Spain.

In this case, it is not a Gemini-style assistant, but rather an assistant intended for those people who have to work with large amounts of text, whether they are lawyers, professors or researchers. However, it is a tool open to everyone and, at least for the moment, anyone can use it completely free of charge.

The company presented it last year, and now arrives in our country with improvements thanks to the use of Gemini 1.5 Pro. Its mission is to make users’ jobs easier when it comes to working with text. And this artificial intelligence model does not work using external data from the Internet, but rather uses the documents that you upload yourself to carry out its work.

NotebookLM arrives in Spain

Google’s new artificial intelligence is now available in Spain. The main objective of NotebookLM is help users understand long texts, summarize them, offer their main ideas, and even answer questions asked. In this case, the documents uploaded by the user to the platform are taken as reference, the information is not extracted from anywhere else.

This can be of great help in research tasks in which it is necessary to check many texts. The platform has been created in collaboration with authors, students and educatorsso it has many possibilities in educational matters, since it is capable of making the work much easier when synthesizing.

NotebookLM in Spanish


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It works divided into sections called notebooks. It is possible to upload different documents to each one, and NotebookLM will extract its main ideas and show a summary, as well as an index, and even You will be able to locate where you got the information from within the documents that we have uploaded. You can also use the platform to take notes, ask questions, organize ideas or ask it to automatically generate summaries of all the sources that have been uploaded.

Have a 25 million word limit analyzed for each notebook, and, if this one runs out, it will be enough to create another one to continue with the work. This Google AI model only works on the content that the user uploads, and both this and the interactions made with the assistant will be private. The platform is now available for access from Spain.

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