Finally with iOS 18 you can record videos without the music you are listening to stopping

You may have already been excited by reading the headline, or it may simply seem silly to you, however, it is something that many people have been asking for for years, since on Android, in different ways, although depending on the version and device, it is can do in a simple way, something that was impossible on iOS.

However, with the release of iOS 18 many things have changed, and now we can record a video without the music stoppingpodcast or whatever we are listening to, perfect if we want to give another touch to a recording, something that until now had to be done with another device next to it.

Record video without music stopping on iPhone

I would explain how to enable this option, but fortunately it is not necessary, since it comes by default, something logical, since if you do not want to record with music you just have to pause it, it is easier. Anyway, if you want to disable this and have your iPhone as always, stopping automatically when you start a video, you will just have to go to Settings – Camera – Record sound – Allow audio playback. We leave you an image below so you can see it more clearly.

As we say, it is already marked natively, so you will not have to activate it if you want to enjoy this version. Furthermore, unlike Instagram or other apps that already allowed this, Apple’s camera does not suffer from stops or delays. The function is very well integrated and you will have some very interesting videos.

In addition, the sound that is recorded will be external, not internal, that is, it will pick up the sound as if it were from a speaker somewhere else, it will not record it internally, so if you have it higher or lower it will have an impact on it. . Likewise, as we said, it will not only work for songs, if you are playing a audio from a friend on WhatsAppand you record, it will also be heard and will remain in the video itself.

This is one of those new features of iOS 18 that Apple has not shown us and that we are discovering little by little. Remember that today we are in the first of the betas of this version, so its functions and performance could improve over the months, offering new tools and better functionality.

Among the errors of the first of the betas, this one, at least, is not affected, and the few videos that I have tried to record to make the article have been satisfactory. So nothing, you already know another way to record without the music stopping, you won’t have to do it on Instagram, where the quality will always be worse, now Apple already lets you natively. Of course, in versions of iOS 18 or higher.

And you, have you already tried this tool? Do you think it was necessary, or is it the typical option that people ask for and in the end we never end up using it in a practical way, even forgetting that it is possible? Leave us a comment with your opinion.

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