How and when will the Sun, the star of our planetary system, die?

How and when will the Sun, the star of our planetary system, die?
How and when will the Sun, the star of our planetary system, die?

Discover how and when the Sun, the closest star to us in the entire Universe and “king star” of this planetary system, will die.

The Sun, with its 4.5 billion yearsis a little less than half of the life it is estimated could reach. Is a starnamely, a celestial body that produces light and heat due to the core activity and which is made up of helium and hydrogen, mostly. This star presides over our planetary system, watching all the planets of this family orbit around it. Because of the above, which puts us in a direct relationship with the star giantit is natural that we wonder when and how will the Sun die. This is what we know.

When and how will the Sun die?

In fact, although the Sun counts more than 4.5 billion years, is still far from dead. What’s more, The calculations indicate that there is still more ahead of us than what we have.

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So, the closest star to us, located about 150 million kilometers of our planet, expected to die within 5 billion years. As?

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When the time has come, the fate of the Sun corresponds to that of a white dwarf, according to the specialized site, Is that the star will use up all the nuclear fuel it is capable of burning. From there, it will eventually cool and fade, as it experiences increasingly lower temperatures.


  • It has the hottest region in its core, since it reaches 15 million degrees Celsius
  • It has a magnetic field twice as strong as that of Earth
  • It influences all the nature of the Solar System with the different forms of activity that it has
  • Being a plasma ball does not have a solid surface
  • It has no moon or natural satellitesbut it is orbited by 8 planets and billions of other bodies
  • Turn counterclockwise and It takes 25 to 35 days to complete a move of these
  • Although it is really white, appears yellow or orange because the blue light it emits has a shorter wavelength and disperses into the atmosphere
  • It will expand about 200 times its current radius, for which it will swallow Mercury and Venus
  • It is made up of layers: core, radiant zone, convective zone, photosphere, chromosphere and corona
  • Deep in its core, converts hydrogen to helium under a process called nuclear fusion

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