Android 15 removes one of users’ favorite features

Android updates are picking up at a furious pace. There is not a week that new functions do not arrive in the new Google operating system, Android 15, which some beneficiary users can currently enjoy. Although it is still in a preliminary phase, some additions have been seen that are very productive, but at the same time certain important functions have been detected that disappear for no reason. One of the applications that have been removed, for many, is one of the best.

Android 15 has been available in testing since February 16, through the first Developer Preview, and, although numerous features have already been shared that we will soon see with their final version in all manufacturers, there is still a long way to go. to go through until all its elements are perfected. However, today it is already quite stable and users can use numerous tools with fewer errors than since its launch.

In fact, currently, Google continues to cook different aspects of Android 15 and polish its weak points, in such a way that some functions that were considered quite practical have been completely evaporated, in such a way that it is not known for sure. certain whether they will appear again or not. But the fact is that one of them was one of the favorites of many users and that it represented an improvement related to the massive receipt of notifications.

Android 15’s best feature evaporates

You may be familiar with using a lot of apps that you download from the Google Play Store. However, we do not get used to the problem that persists: notification strafing. So that this did not happen and these annoying alerts could be deactivated without affecting the vibration of your phone, a function was created in Android 15 called Notification cooling (Notification Cooldown).

When activating this feature in the new Google operating system, notification volume is gradually reduced when received successively from the same application. Thus, the volume of the alert decreases drastically, as does the intensity of the vibration, if too many are received in a short period of time.

It is common to use this type of functions for messaging appssuch as WhatsApp or Telegram, if you have many group chats operating and their members do not stop sending messages continuously, a stressful situation that can cause real headaches.

But that doesn’t mean that notifications are silenced completely. This option brought with it a quick resumption period of the sound and vibration of your notifications, so the volume would regenerate again, after a few minutes in case you expect to receive important messages.

Removed from Android 15, for now

It is still not known exactly why this feature has been removed from Android 15, which was available from the beginning with the arrival of Developer Preview 1 and which, strangely, has disappeared in the latest version of Android 15 Beta 2.2.

Google has not given any explanation, but beta testers have identified that they have been releasing adjustments to notification vibrations to obtain greater calibration, so it is likely that some changes are being made to improve this tool and make it much more effective.

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