Five key points to consider for the future of the air conditioning industry

With the evolution of technology, the increase in pollution and the changes that our planet has suffered, the air conditioning industry has advanced in various ways to satisfy consumers, while taking care of the world.

In the opinion of the regional manager of AHRI, a global association that certifies energy efficiency in air conditioning equipment, Mario Maldonado, the industry faces some key challenges for the future. We detail them below:

Energy efficiency and sustainability

As time passes, government and private regulations move in the direction of reducing environmental impact, adding to this the new demands of consumers to reduce expenses and their carbon footprint, making it essential for the air conditioning industry. offer energy-efficient and low-emission equipment.

Intelligent Systems

The air conditioning industry has been renewed in terms of the technology it uses for its equipment, thus allowing various functions that provide greater comfort and better operation. Some of the advantages of having equipment with an intelligent system are performance optimization, reduced energy consumption, greater control of the equipment, and greater convenience for users. Some of the features are smart thermostats, IoT connectivity and AI-driven controls, all of which allow these systems to be more adaptive and can be monitored and adjusted remotely.

Air quality

As more information and studies have been carried out, it has been shown that there are air conditioning equipment and systems that can generate negative impacts on health, which is why it has become essential that new devices have technology that mitigates poor air quality. All this, through filtration systems, humidity control and technologies that mitigate contaminants.

Electrification and heat pumps/recovery technology

In line with the decarbonization of the planet, the industry has had to innovate, creating electrical systems that pollute much less than equipment that runs on fuel. Another more efficient option than the others are heat pumps that heat and cool more effectively, transferring heat between internal and external environments, reducing energy expenditure.

Data analysis and predictive maintenance

Technology has been essential to enhance the performance of air conditioning, through systems that incorporate IoT (Internet of Things). These collect data in real time and analyze it to optimize system efficiency. Additionally, they offer proactive diagnosis of potential problems, thereby reducing downtime and extending system life.

In this direction, Midea, a leading brand in the air conditioning industry, has developed advanced technology that is in line with these five keys, since it is essential for the company to provide greater comfort to its consumers, but with top-level products and with the least possible environmental impact.

An example of smart technology that Midea uses is Inverter Quattro technology, which allows energy savings of up to 72% compared to on/off equipment and, in turn, a lower impact on the planet.

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