The incredible FREE game that breaks records on Steam

This title surpassed the mark of 700 thousand simultaneous users and placed second on the platform’s list.

There are players for all genders, although it is often surprising that there are so many for some. This is the case of a title free that suddenly became the second with the most users on Steamonly behind Counter Strike 2, with more than 700 thousand simultaneously. What is it about?

Photo: The tremendous FPS of WW2 that is FREE on Steam for a limited time

Photo: The intense FPS that is FREE on Steam for a limited time

The incredible FREE game that breaks records on Steam

The game in question is called Banana and it is all the rage on the Valve platform. What is the OBJETIVE? It’s about a clickerthat is, the only thing that needs to be to do is to click with the mouse over the photo of a banana, which to make matters worse does not even move at the time of this action. Anything else? No, nothing more.

The incredible FREE game that breaks records on Steam

But behind such a large mass of players there must be something hidden. That’s true. This title allows you get banana skins And, the more clicks are made, the more skins can be obtained and the more chances the players have of achieving something strange. Then, These skins can be sold on the Steam marketplace.

For sale? Yes, and for truly incredible figures. Some may be over a thousand dollars due to its rarity, as is the case with diamond banana, of which there are very few. Other banana skins are called hacked, biosnana, blackholenana, oceanana and anomalynana. It is undoubtedly a fashion. How long will it last? It is not known.

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