Google’s ‘DeepMind’ generates music for videos and entire soundtracks

Recently, Google has shared progress on its DeepMind artificial intelligence and its ability to generate music that accompanies videos, creating complete and personalized soundtracks. This revolutionary technology, known as V2A, combines video pixels with natural language text cues to produce a soundscape tailored specifically to visual content. By pairing this technology with video generation models like Veo, Google can create scenes that include dramatic scores, realistic sound effects or dialogue that match perfectly with the characters and tone of the video.

Creative capabilities and enhanced control for Audio Engineers

One of the main advantages that Google highlights is the improved creative control that this technology provides audio engineers. With the ability to generate a unlimited amount of soundtracks From any video input, engineers can use positive and negative cues to adjust the feel of the music. Positive cues guide the model toward desired sound results, while negative cues steer you away from unwanted sounds. This flexibility allows creators to precisely shape audio to match their creative vision.

Broadcast-based audio generation process

The operation of this advanced DeepMind AI technology is based on a diffusion approach for audio generation, which has proven to be the most realistic and convincing for synchronizing video and audio information. The V2A system begins by encoding the video input into a compressed representation. Google’s diffusion model then iteratively refines the audio from random noise, guided by visual input from the video and natural language prompts created by the engineer.

The result of this process is a Synchronized and realistic audio which closely aligns with the directions instructions and video content. Google has added additional information to the training process, including AI-generated annotations with detailed sound descriptions and transcriptions of spoken dialogue. This allows technology to learn to associate specific audio events with various visual scenes, responding to the information provided in the annotations or transcripts.

Applications and Challenges

The capacity of DeepMind AI to generate soundtracks is not limited only to new videos. It can also be applied to traditional footage, silent films and more, providing a powerful tool for the restoration and modernization of old audiovisual content. However, Google notes that the model relies heavily on video footage. high quality video to create high-quality audio. Distortions in video can result in a noticeable drop in audio quality.

Additionally, although Google is working on voice-over technology for character videos, there are still challenges. The model can generate a desynchronization that results in strange lip syncing, such as a character speaking while their lips are not moving.

With the ability to create rich, detailed soundscapes, this technology has the potential to transform the way we experience video, offering new possibilities for creativity in media production.

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