How to use the magical Google Photos editor now that it’s free for any phone

How to use the magical Google Photos editor now that it’s free for any phone
How to use the magical Google Photos editor now that it’s free for any phone

Google has created some of the most used online services in the world, such as the search engine, Google Maps or Gmail, your email client. It is true that in addition to creating products that have survived for years, it has closed huge amounts of services, some really good and popular in Spain.

One of the most used is Google Photos, a cloud photo hosting service that was launched as free and without limitations and that years later took a striking turn. However, this It continues to be one of the most used services to store photos in the cloudin addition to being an application that comes pre-installed on Android phones.

This makes it the perfect option to easily edit some photos and videos and, for some time now, even do it with artificial intelligence. Google launched a function a few years ago that allowed remove elements from an image by simply selecting them. This feature was included in Google One, its monthly subscription. But a few days ago it has been opened free of charge to more users, specifically those who use Samsung and Google phones, even if they do not pay for Google One.

Free magic editor

Google’s announcement a few weeks ago indicated that the magic editor, which is what allows you to delete elements among other things, was available to everyone without paying, but with a limitation of 10 editions per month. To use it more times you will have to pay Google One. This has changed, and in addition to the magic eraser, there are other functions available:

  • Magic Eraser.
  • Blur.
  • Sky suggestions to improve it and thus make an impact on photography.
  • Pop color.
  • HDR effect on photos and videos.
  • Portrait blur.
  • Portrait Light: Adds light and balance functions to the tool.
  • Cinematic photos.
  • Styles in the collage editor.
  • Video effects.

Delete items in Google Photos

The Free Android

These functions are already available in some Samsung and Google models, but it is expected that they will reach more brands in the coming weeks. Yes indeed, You must have the Google Photos application updated to version 6.85 or later. To use the eraser you simply have to open the image you want to modify.

Once opened, you have to click on the button Edit, Then in Tools and then in Magic Eraser. Once the function is activated, you must highlight the element to be deleted by passing your finger over it. When it is finished you have to click on the Done button and the changes will be saved if you want.

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