This privacy function in WhatsApp ‘prohibits’ the profile photo from being shared | Techno Doctor | Magazine

This privacy function in WhatsApp ‘prohibits’ the profile photo from being shared | Techno Doctor | Magazine
This privacy function in WhatsApp ‘prohibits’ the profile photo from being shared | Techno Doctor | Magazine

WhatsApp is one of the messaging applications with the most users in the world. The app is constantly looking for new ways to protect the data and sensitive information of its more than 2 billion users. This is because people who use the platform are not exempt from scams or fraud.

With the new app update, WhatsApp has started blocking screenshots of profile photos. This means that it will not be possible have profile photo taken from other users. On many occasions, this is used to impersonate.

Currently, it is possible to take a screenshot, then click on the photo thumbnail of a WhatsApp account to enlarge it. In some cases, it is possible to make the photo visible even if the contact is not added to the device. This will depend on your privacy settings.

It is possible to go to the WhatsApp settings menu and, in the Privacy section, configure that only contacts can see the profile photo. But Meta wanted to go further to protect all users, making the option to take a screenshot impossible.

In the event that a user chooses to perform a screenshotwhen taking the screenshot the image will not show the profile photo but rather It will be a black image, without any content.

This feature adds to the ability to send images and videos in a single view, as the app also blocks the ability to take screenshots of this content. (YO)

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