According to science, this is the age at which youth ends – Teach me about Science

According to science, this is the age at which youth ends – Teach me about Science
According to science, this is the age at which youth ends – Teach me about Science
Photo| Canva Pro | This is the age when youth is a thing of the past.

Although it is said that youth is not carried on the physique, but on the inside, perhaps it is true, since we can find 60-year-old people with healthier and more sporty activities than someone of 30, the question really is When you stop being young could really vary depending on who you perform it on.

But today in this article we share with you that a study carried out by scientists at the prestigious Stanford University has identified that at a certain age an important change occurs in our body, which includes the proteins responsible for aging.

Where these changes, although not visible, mark the beginning of a process where bodily functions and physical appearance begin to alter.

Photo| Canva Pro |

To determine the exact age at which we stop being young, experts analyzed the plasma of 4,263 people between 18 and 95 years old, and the results identified that the physiological clock is based on 373 proteins capable of predicting the chronological age of a human being.

Based on the Stanford University study, a person’s youth ends at 34 years old. The scientists also revealed that in our lives, there are three peaks of inflection where it is possible to appreciate that there are lapses linked to the aging cycle and this occurs between the age of 34,60 and 78 years, the age in which the most changes are seen. in the amount of proteins transmitted by the blood.

Although this study manages to determine at what age we stop being young and become adults, other factors must also be considered, since genetics and the lifestyle a person leads can also determine how quickly they can age, which is why We see artists who are the same age, but their appearance is not the same.

Photo| Canva Pro | States artists are the same age in this photograph taken in 2021. They were both 30

On the other hand, a few years ago, ‘The Daily Mail’ collected, with the help of experts, the age at which different organs of our body age. The brain and lungs, for example, begin to do so at 20. The kidneys and liver, after 50.

With all this you can rest assured and remember that youth is not only defined by biological parameters, but also by psychological and social aspects. So if you lead a healthy, active life, full of vitality, don’t worry and start living each stage of your life fully.

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