This app tells you if your Xiaomi will receive HyperOS 2.0 and Android 15

Now that the HyperOS rollout is coming to an end, Xiaomi has new plans for your device for the end of the year. Much of the company’s catalog has been successfully updated or is on the verge of doing so, so the effort is focusing on developing the second version of the operating system: HyperOS 2.0.

It is expected to begin arrive on Xiaomi devices at the end of the year along with Android 15. Because yes, despite being a new operating system, its new features would be based on the latest Google release.

And of course, knowing that new software is coming this year, probably You may be wondering if your Xiaomi will be compatible with this HyperOS 2.0. The answer is simpler than ever and is not based on long lists of smartphones with hundreds of models. We are going to teach you the benefits of MIUI & HyperOS Downloaderan app that analyzes your terminal, detects what model it is and tells you what new software awaits it in the future.

And in case you’re wondering, it’s completely freeIt weighs very little and can be installed from Google Play on almost any mobile phone. Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO. In fact, it also works on tablets.

Which Xiaomi phones receive HyperOS 2.0 and Android 15

Using the MIUI & HyperOS Downloader app couldn’t be simpler: you simply download it, install it, grant some permissions and run it. Nothing more, because it will automatically and almost instantly know which Xiaomi mobile model you have and will will inform about future updates.

It will clearly indicate if you device is compatible with the future HyperOS 2.0 update and also Android 15. Additionally, it includes a message that informs about the current software of the terminal and whether it is the latest version available. And of course, it can be installed on POCO and Redmi phones with the same objective and results.

The app is totally sure and you can install it on your Xiaomi without running any risk. Now, the information provided It is not official. It has been developed by XiaomiTimea team that focuses its efforts on publicizing the roadmap for HyperOS and Android updates for the company’s terminals.

The information, although very elaborate, It is subject to some speculation based on Xiaomi’s strategy from previous years. Installing the app is a very good starting point to know if you will receive the new versions of the software, but it is important to keep in mind that This is not a list set in stone..

Finally, we encourage you to browse the app, as it will not only give you information about HyperOS 2.0 or Android 15also has repositories of current updates, versions of Xiaomi applications compatible with your smartphone and a series of truly interesting hidden settings.

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