Horizon Chase 2 analysis, Out Run essence with extra nitrous oxide

Horizon Chase 2 analysis, Out Run essence with extra nitrous oxide
Horizon Chase 2 analysis, Out Run essence with extra nitrous oxide

Arcade-style racing video games have experienced a boom in recent years with proposals of all kinds, most of them framed within the indie scene. One of them was the celebrated Horizon Chase Turbo of 2018 of the Brazilians Aquirisa title that stood out for its content offering and gameplay that was reminiscent of the great classics of the genre such as Out Run either Top Gear. Now comes the turn of its sequel, Horizon Chase 2which has just arrived on consoles PlayStation and Xbox after its original release in Apple Arcade almost two years ago and his subsequent arrival to PC and Nintendo Switch. Let’s review the keys to a video game that has experienced a great leap at all levels compared to the first installment and that is all A love letter to speed arcades from our childhood.

Step on the accelerator without looking back

At first glance you can already see a big jump compared to the first part on a visual level; the same occurs at the gameplay level, offering a more satisfying and, even more importantly, fun gaming experience. The Horizon Chase saga’s proposal moves away from any hint of simulation to bet on the essence of classic arcade racing games. Its gameplay is simple and direct, although not easy; not at all. And the most advanced levels of both its campaign -with scenarios based on real and iconic locations on the planet- and the tournament mode, our rivals controlled by remarkably aggressive AI They will put us against the ropes again and again, demanding steel reflexes and great precision at the controls.

In Horizon Chase 2 we only have to worry about accelerate fully and push nitro as much as we can; We even advise passing the brake and just releasing the accelerator slightly to continue with the line and not lose valuable tenths of a second that will surely make the difference in reaching the highest places on the podium. And this is when we come to the great differentiating element of the Aquiris proposal: assistance when cornering. Yes, because Horizon Chase 2 is so frenetic and fast that it would be impossible – in most cases – to stay on the asphalt without biting the dust with the many obstacles on both sides of the track. Somehow, Its origins for touch devices are evident.

Perhaps for the purists it is too risky a decision, but when push comes to shove, these small aids help us maintain the pace of the race and bet everything on frenzy and the most devilish speed that we can imagine. And the fact is that drawing curves at 360 kilometers per hour is not within everyone’s reach; unless you are inside an arcade universe designed to step on the accelerator without hesitation. In addition, we will have several charges of nitrous oxide in campaign mode, while in tournament mode we can collect new loads distributed around the circuit itself.

Horizon Chase 2 also stands out in terms of content, since the aforementioned game modes – quite long and truly challenging in its final stages – we must add a challenge mode with its own integrated and free battle pass along with a multiplayer mode for up to four playerseither locally in split screen or online. To all this we must add a good handful of unlockable cars thanks to our progress in the game and in-game money, each of them with its own driving style and characteristics, with the possibility of improving its mechanics and behavior through different sections. There will be no shortage of aesthetic options either.with up to three bodies per car and a good handful of rim and paint options. Of course, the game has more than enough in this regard, guaranteeing hours and hours of fun until we get everything.

Reach the horizon at 380 km/h

On a visual level it moves like a charm. It’s fast and solid; only at certain times can it suffer from a sharp drop in framerate which can negatively influence our driving. And it is one of those games in which we cannot take our eyes off the road for even a moment if we do not want to end up with a spin or several flips: here you also discover the influence of Out Run, although at many more revolutions per minute. His artistic design moves away from the low poly style of the first to present a much more striking and elaborate appearance, still maintaining a marked cartoon essence. The scenarios are as varied as they are striking., as well as cars, with designs based on real, well-detailed vehicles. Its soundtrack with a marked retro personality is not far behind, with vibrant and catchy songs that will inevitably take us to the arcade rooms of our childhood. And if, The texts are localized into Spanishboth from the menus and from the clever pop-ups that our drivers will release in the middle of the race.

Horizon Chase 2


Horizon Chase 2 doesn’t fool anyone. It’s a speed arcade game from the old days, although with a visual style enhanced by its cartoon character that works very well in motion. The gameplay is frenetic and satisfying despite the aforementioned – and slight – assistance, although after a while and after having overcome its campaign and tournament mode, it won’t offer many more incentives than continuing to beat our own records or playing a few games in the company of our friends, either split-screen or online. A fun arcade game, with enough content to keep us busy for a couple of weeks that will delight those who enjoyed Out Run and company in their day.

The best

  • Sensation of overwhelming speed
  • Offers a good handful of content
  • Four-player multiplayer, both local and online


  • Short learning curve
  • Certain frustrating AI mechanics
  • Few reasons to continue beyond the main modes
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