The Blood Hunt event is about to redefine the future of the Marvel Universe

The Blood Hunt event is about to redefine the future of the Marvel Universe
The Blood Hunt event is about to redefine the future of the Marvel Universe

Marvel is about to completely change the future of its Universe with the end of Blood Hunt

The ending of Blood Hunt could completely change Marvel’s future

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The Marvel Universe has been plunged into total chaos after the invasion and attack that the vampires have perpetrated, by “deactivating” the sun and gaining an advantage over the heroes, who have been putting all their effort into finding a solution, and although in volume #4 they seemed to be pretty close to achieving it, Everything has taken a rather unexpected turn.

And, coupled with what happened in volume #4 of the comic Blood Huntthe request for the next issue #5 reveals that the event Blood Hunt will end with a surprising change for the franchise, which could completely rewrite the future of the Marvel Universe. Below, we will tell you all the details about it, but you should know that this post contains spoilers for volume #4 of the comic Blood Huntfrom Marvel.

Blood Hunt will culminate in a plot twist that will completely change the future of the Marvel Universe

Blood Hunt volume #4 presents an unexpected twist that could totally change the Marvel Universe

Blood Hunt volume #4 features an unexpected twist that could totally change the Marvel Universe

As mentioned above, in the most recent volume of the comic Blood Huntthe heroes hThey have been very close to defeating the vampiresafter Doctor Strange managed to gather the ingredients for the spell that would dispel the Dark Force that dims the sun, but was unable to cast the spell itself due to being in his astral form.

In this situation, Doctor Strange turns to Doctor Doom to ask him to cast the spell, and he accepts his request, but on one condition: that he give him the position of Supreme Sorcerer. While this may sound pretty far-fetched, it’s likely that Doom does end up becoming the Sorcerer Supreme, as this possible alternate future was shown in volume #1 of the comic. Timeless (2023), featuring the Avengers bowing to Doom as he holds Strange’s cape and the Eye of Agamotto.

The event Blood Hunt It has been characterized by unexpected plot twists that he has brought with him, after revealing Blade as the possible antagonist, and subsequently making it clear that it was not the vampire hunter who was the true villain, but rather an ancient demon known as Varnae who has possessed his body.

Now that Doctor Doom is the only one who can perform this spell besides Strange, and is asking to be given the role of Sorcerer Supreme, there is no doubt that The end of Blood Hunt could be about to totally change the future of the Marvel Universeand we just have to wait until July 31 to find out what will happen, and how this will impact the Marvel Universe.

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