Send 39 bomb threats to Nintendo because of Splatoon 3

Send 39 bomb threats to Nintendo because of Splatoon 3
Send 39 bomb threats to Nintendo because of Splatoon 3

The man who threatened to bomb Nintendo admits it was because of one of its exclusives: “The more I lost [en Splatoon 3]the more frustrated I became“.

Nintendo continues with its IP for Switch same as sony and Microsoft with PS4PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, but not everyone suffers threats as happens many times in Japan with games and/or anime.

If we recall correctly, last April a young man was arrested on suspicion of threatening to kill Nintendo employees and causing the cancellation of several events.

This was resolved within the same 30 calendar days and this man was charged with a series of crimes of obstructing business by force.

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Now that person accused of threats during the Nintendo Live celebration in Tokyo has admitted the charges brought against him by prosecutors at the trial.

The man is 27 years old and is accused of sending 39 bomb threats to Kyoto-based Nintendo companyalthough he is currently on trial.

In admitting the charges against him, he said: “The more I lost [en Splatoon 3]the more it frustrated me“. The accusation by the prosecutor seeks up to 1 year in prison and the verdict is expected on July 24.

In addition, the prosecutor claims that Nintendo suffered 700 million yen in damages as a result of the threats described above.

Dataminer OatmealDome acknowledges that if this is true, it could have occurred due to having to cancel two large in-person events at the last minute.

Although it was never explicitly stated that the game in question is Splatoon 3, it is implied that its objective is Koshien (a Nintendo tournament).“.

Send 39 bomb threats to Nintendo because of Splatoon

The other threats this person sent to the company were such as making “you regret having created a shitty game“, so it all adds up.

Meanwhile, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for Nintendo Switch recently repeated as the best-selling game in Japan despite the resurgence of Animal Crossing.

Within a few we know Shame on the man who used Splatoon 3 as an excuse for sending 39 bomb threats to Nintendo.

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