Revelations of the complexities and the future path |

Revelations of the complexities and the future path |
Revelations of the complexities and the future path |

China Global Television Network (CGTN), in collaboration with George Galloway, member of the United Kingdom Parliament and leader of the Workers’ Party of Great Britain, presents to the world “Taiwan Untangled”, in Spanish Unraveling Taiwan, a 21-minute documentary duration that delves into the multifaceted issue of Taiwan, exploring its history, current situation and future prospects.

As the documentary’s narrator, George Galloway, a Westerner, brings a unique perspective to the subject. He unequivocally emphasizes that Taiwan’s legal status has never been in doubt because throughout recorded history, it is abundantly clear that this region has always been an integral part of China.

In parallel, Zhong Xiangyu, an anti-imperialist rapper, echoes Galloway’s sentiments, noting that most people in the Taiwan region think they “have roots in the mainland (in the rest of China)” and “really They do not deny them.

The three joint statements issued by the governments of China and the United States, which state that “there is only one China and Taiwan is part of China,” form the basis of relations between the two countries.

However, despite recognizing the fact that there is only one China, the North American country maintains a strategic ambiguity regarding the entire Chinese territory. “He repeats that he is committed to the one-China policy, but then undermines it in various ways,” said Joseph Gerson, co-chairman of the Committee for a Sound US-China Policy.

Regarding the true purpose behind the US Government’s strategic ambiguity, some experts gave their opinion:

«The true strategic objective of the United States was very clear: they want to prevent China’s integration with the rest of the world. They don’t want China to develop,” said Victor Gao, vice president of the Center for China and Globalization (CCG). “It’s like asking brothers and sisters to fight among themselves,” he exemplified.

Furthermore, the United States is engaging its European allies in its confrontational approach, even though most of them are not seeking to “decouple” or “de-risk” China, much less “an actual war.”

Risk of nuclear conflict

The statements by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the European Union (EU), Joseph Borrell, on “freedom of navigation” in Taiwan, the controversial visit of the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Liz Truss, to that same territory and her call to Implementing a US “nuclear umbrella” in the region, as well as the statements of the current Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, who from Japan has described China as “the greatest danger”, contribute to an enormous risk of nuclear conflict.

The “Taiwan hedgehog” is becoming a “porcupine,” so people in the region, historically part of China, have good reason to feel anxious about their future.

How would the future lie on the mainland and the Taiwan region? Wang Bingzhong, spokesman for the New Party, believes that the United States is “pressuring Taiwan to challenge and cross the red line of the One China Principle,” but ” “China’s meteoric rise on the world stage provides its own formidable deterrent to such misguided ambitions.”

Chen Fuyu, director of Cross-Straits Ben Post, called on the people of Taiwan to “seize this historic opportunity” presented by China’s peaceful rise and achieve “effective development.”

Optimistic vision of the future

Similarly, young people in Taiwan have an optimistic view of the future.

Taipei resident Chen Chongzhen expressed optimism that “a more peaceful world environment will come” and envisioned a future where “Taiwan can live peacefully with the mainland, even [avanzar] towards reunification.

Xiangyu also conveyed his sincere wish by stating: “I hope that Taiwan will not be used as a bargaining chip by foreign powers in their negotiations with Beijing, and I hope that people here and on the mainland will build more bridges and have more benefits through contact.” “from each other”

As Taiwan contemplates its future, it faces a choice: be a mere “chess” piece manipulated by the United States or actively seek peaceful reunification with the mainland. The hopeful outlook for Chongzhen and Xiangyu sheds light on the possible direction the future may take. However, it is essential to note that regardless of how the future unfolds, “it is a story between mainland China and Taiwan,” and external actors should refrain from interfering in this narrative.

You can see the documentary in English at the following link:
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