Path of Exile 2 will arrive at the end of 2024 and its finale will have more than a hundred maps

Path of Exile 2 will arrive at the end of 2024 and its finale will have more than a hundred maps
Path of Exile 2 will arrive at the end of 2024 and its finale will have more than a hundred maps

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We have just left the month of May behind, one that has been especially important in terms of news in the video game industry, putting Ninja Theory and the launch of Hellblade II in the form of an exclusive for Xbox and PC consoles.

We still have many more games pending to arrive in the coming months and this month of June is especially important because of the advances that we may see on these, with Path of Exile 2 being one of the best examples that we can give right now.

Path of Exile 2 coming later this year

This title has been announced for some time now and it is expected that we will have a beta that was going to arrive this month but that had to be delayed, so its launch is expected be sometime this summer.

What has been recently confirmed about Path of Exile 2 is that its early access will arrive at the end of this year, although we still do not have a specific date, something that may be resolved in one of these upcoming events. It has also been confirmed that The end of the game will have about a hundred different maps, each with its final boss included.

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Other details of Path of Exile 2 confirmed 100% They are split-screen cooperative on console, cross-platform play and cross-progression, so it will come strong when it is launched on the market at the end of the year.

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