Taiwan has no rival and its sales of advanced chips lead it to look down on the United States and China

Taiwan has no rival and its sales of advanced chips lead it to look down on the United States and China
Taiwan has no rival and its sales of advanced chips lead it to look down on the United States and China

TSMC forecasts unprecedented annual growth in company history

A few hours ago we learned what would happen if China took control of Taiwan. For years, one of the main concerns of the United States has been the hypothetical technological impact what this action would have, since the Asians would come to be at the forefront of TSMC. However, as the CEO of the Taiwanese chip giant revealed, there are several protocols to act if such a situation were to occur.

Currently, The United States continues to trust TSMC to acquire its cutting-edge chips. Such is the dependence that the North American country has that, according to the latest official figures, the US acquires the 92% of its cutting-edge chips to the Taiwanese giant. And this, as expected, has had a tremendous impact positive in the company’s accounts, since, as they themselves confirmed, they have achieved an annual growth of 10%.

Apple and NVIDIA are two of its main clients

As the portal indicates Reuters in a recent publicationTSMC revealed this figure during an update on its financial status. Cliff Housenior vice president of the brand, noted that the company lives “a new golden age of opportunity” thanks to artificial intelligence and the growth of said technology. And, according to the estimates of World Semiconductor Trade Statisticsan entity specialized in analyzing the market, is expected a growth of 13.1% of the semiconductor sector.

Thus, TSMC reported its 10% increase and, in turn, noted that this figure could grow even more in the coming months. According to the company’s estimates, the interest that exists around artificial intelligence could bring them an increase in up to 30% in the next quarter. Be that as it may, NVIDIA has already forecast income above estimates and, if we take into account that both this company and Apple depend on TSMC chips, everything indicates that the Taiwanese income will be capital letters in the coming months.

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Main image by Alexandre Debiève (Unsplash)

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