China surrounded Taiwan with military maneuvers and issued a “severe warning” to its sovereignty

The sovereignty of Taiwan is threatened by the “severe warning” it issued China through the deployment of powerful military maneuvers made up of 15 ships and 42 military aircraft around its main island and the smaller peripheral ones: Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqiuy and Dongyin, after its new president, Lai Ching-te, promised that “will keep democracy safe from Chinese pressure”.

The Asian giant announced last Thursday the carrying out of maritime and air exercises to “claim their territory” in response to the independence inaugural speech of the new head of state of the island nation.

China fails to “tame” Taiwan: the independence movement Lai Ching-te was elected as the new president

Authoritarians don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.

He Taiwanese Defense Ministry spokesperson, Sun Li-Fang, emphasized that “we must express our condemnation for this behavior that damages regional peace and stability” in the framework of a briefing. While different officials assured that “until now none of the Chinese planes and ships had entered the territorial waters of Taiwan”.

The new president of Taiwan, Lai Ching-te

The speech of Lai Ching-te in the stated his independence forml, was received as a disgrace by the authorities of the government of China and they assured that “the new president was more dangerous than his predecessors.”

“All Taiwanese separatists will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history,” Chinese Foreign Ministry

“All the independence separatists of Taiwanthey will be nailed to the pillar of shame of history,” they warned from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.

Democracy or autocracy: a polarized Taiwan chooses between “peace or war”

China surrounded Taiwan with military maneuvers and issued a “severe warning” to its sovereignty

The Taiwanese political leadership and military experts expected China to make a show of military force after the inauguration of its new head of state and believe that if the Chinese government tries to force Taiwan to “accept unification” it could first try to carry out a ring of military forces for “severely restrict the island’s air and maritime space”.

In addition, they indicated that the tactical activities recorded in the vicinity of the island country could lead to the invasion and seizure of one of the islands. Meanwhile, the Fujian Coast Guard, the coastal province facing Taiwan, reported that it will carry out a “comprehensive law enforcement exercise” around the islands of Wuqiu and Dongyin.

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The brand new Taiwanese president, Lai Ching-te Through a statement he expressed that “at this time, the international community is paying close attention to the Taiwan democratic” and stated that “in the face of external challenges and threats, we will continue to defend the values ​​of freedom and democracy.


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