Carlos Achetoni died in a traffic accident: “an inspiring leader”

Carlos Achetoni died in a traffic accident: “an inspiring leader”
Carlos Achetoni died in a traffic accident: “an inspiring leader”

In a road accident, Carlos Achetoni, president of FAA, died this morning (Chacra Magazine)

The accident occurred at midnight at Km 304 of National Route 188 between Ameghino and Coronel Granada, when the Fiat Palio car driven by the federated leader collided with the rear of a truck transporting peanuts. The accident left the sole occupant of the smaller vehicle dead, while the driver of the cargo transport was hospitalized.

Achetoni had traveled a distance of 350 km, which is what separates the city of Santa Fe from Rosario. (from where he had left hours before after carrying out his work day), from the Buenos Aires town by Ameghinowhere he found death.

The accident occurred at midnight at Km 304 of National Route 188 between Ameghino and Coronel Granada

Meanwhile, the truck that overturned the trailer on the asphalt came from La Carlota both circulated in the same direction: Granada-Ameghino.

The truck that Achetoni’s vehicle collided with overturned the trailer on the asphalt strip. It came from La Carlota.

Achetoni, who died today at the age of 56 in a tragic accident, was heading from Rosario, where the FAA headquarters is located, to his family home in Bowen, province of Mendoza.

He was the head of the federated entity, which represents the country’s small and medium-sized producers and is part of the liaison table, which recognized him as an “inspiring leader whose values ​​and integrity” will continue to guide his efforts.

Carlos Achetoni “was an inspiring leader whose integrity and values ​​will always guide our efforts,” the Liaison Table said in a statement.

The Liaison Table of Agricultural Entities also expressed “deep regret” for the death of Achetoni, whom they described as “an exceptional rural leader and a person of immense human quality. “His dedication and commitment to the agricultural sector have left an indelible mark on our community.”

They added that Carlos Achetoni “was an inspiring leader whose integrity and values ​​will always guide our efforts. His kindness, warmth and caring spirit made him an endearing figure, respected and admired by all those who had the privilege of knowing and working with him.”

From the Liaison Table they described Achetoni as “an exceptional rural leader and a person of immense human quality” (Chacra Magazine)

“We extend our sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues at this difficult time. The loss of Carlos leaves an irreplaceable void, but his legacy will live on in our hearts. May he rest in peace,” they added from the Liaison Table of Agricultural Entities.

Before assuming the presidency, Achetoni held the position of Secretary of Finance of the entity, of which He was then elected president in 2019 and 2022 with broad support from the federations, reaching 96% of the votes in the last election.

From the entity that he chaired, they communicated the news this morning, pointing out that “the unfortunate event mourns and saddens the leadership and all the federated members.”. From the entity, we accompany and hug Mary, her children and her entire family in these devastating moments. We will always remember him fighting for the small and medium producers and the regional economies that he has represented so much and so well.”

His career began in the subsidiary of the General Alvear Agrarian Federation, where he became a prominent figure. During his tenure, he played a crucial role in defending water through Law 7722 and advocated for provincial agricultural insurance, as well as the provision of subsidies and credits to producers affected by agricultural emergencies or disasters in the area.

Carlos Achetoni began his union activity in the General Alvear Agrarian Federation branch, Mendoza (Chacra TV)

Achetoni was subsequently promoted to Central Board of Directors of the Agrarian Federation and reached the position of national finance secretary. In September 2018, he was elected president of the entity, and was re-elected in 2019 and 2022. During his leadership, he stood out for his work in finding adequate financing for the sector, highlighting the role of small producers, and promoting reference markets in all agricultural activities.

In addition, he advocated for the implementation of policies that favored smaller producers, promoted initiatives aimed at young people to stop migration to large cities and He presided over the Agrarian Federation Foundation and the Fortalecer Foundation, both members of the federated complex.

At the international level, representing the Agrarian Federation, he played a prominent role in the Confederation of Family Producer Organizations of Expanded Mercosur (COPROFAM), a coalition that represents nearly 22 million family farmers, peasants and indigenous people in seven countries. Besides, contributed to the National Engagement Strategy Committee (ENI Argentina), a platform supported by the International Land Coalition – Latin America (ILC AL).

Carlos Achetoni, 57 years old, was a renowned fruit and wine producer with an area of ​​seven hectares in Bowen, Mendoza, in the department of General Alvear.

After Achetoni’s death, the vice president of the FAA, Elvio Guía, would be the one who assumes ownership of the federated entity.

Guía, a producer and rural leader from Entre Ríos, was ratified in the position of first vice president of the Agrarian Federation at the annual congress.

After the death of Achetoni, the vice president of the FAA, Elvio Guía, would be the one who assumes ownership of the federated entity (FAA)

National Route 188 runs from San Nicolás to Mendoza, crossing some of the most productive regions of Argentina. In this regard, the economist specialized in agriculture, Ivan Ordoñezpointed out in his account of “they contributed billions of dollars in withholdings” to the country. And he added that it is precisely that route, “without a single kilometer of highway and without lighting” where Carlos Achetoni died.

National Route 188, where Achetoni lost his life in a road accident, runs from San Nicolás to Mendoza, crossing some of the most productive regions of Argentina (Social networks)

National Route 188 has its kilometer 0 in the port of San Nicolás de los Arroyos, province of Buenos Aires, and ends in the city of General Alvear, province of Mendoza. It links four Argentine provinces: Buenos Aires, La Pampa, San Luis and Mendoza. It passes through cities and towns whose economic axis is agricultural production. Among them: Villa Esperanza, Conesa, Pergamino, Rojas, Lincoln, General Pinto, Ameghino, General Villegas, Realicó, Nueva Galia, General Alvear.

On that same route, at KM 255, a few meters from the Balsa Crossing, just 48 hours ago, the mayor of the Buenos Aires party of General Pinto, Alfredo “Freddy” Zavatarelli, collided with his truck against the back of a truck with trailer. As a result of the impact that affected the front of the pickup, the mayor was trapped in the passenger compartment and had to be rescued by the Lincoln firefighters, who took him to the local hospital, from where he was later transferred to a specialized health center for his condition. delicate state of health.

Agricultural leaders, producers and businessmen in the agro-industrial sector expressed their sadness over the death of Carlos Achetoni on social networks.

The President of the Entre Ríos Central Region and former President of CRA, Jorge Chemes, He noted in his X account: “Enormous pain and dismay. A militant with firm convictions and ideals. A 24/7 fighter. He put everything in and we learned of his nobility. I console your loved ones and all @fedeagraria who says goodbye to something essential.”

Along the same lines, the economist and current Minister of Entre Ríos, Guillermo Bernaudo He highlighted on social networks: “Deep regret for the death of Carlos Achetoni. A great leader but above all a huge person with whom I had the honor of building a lot of trust. My condolences to @fedeagraria and his family. “A great loss for Argentina.”

“We deeply regret the death of Carlos Achetoni, president of FAA. His dedication and leadership have left an indelible mark on the agricultural sector. “Our thoughts are with his family and his loved ones in these difficult times,” he posted. CASAFE.

The former National Deputy Alicia Ciciliani, He was also present at the condolences and posted: “A lot of pain, we lose a trained leader, clear in his convictions. Honest and hard-working, collaborator always attentive to the demands of his associates. Condolences to dear @fedeagraria and her family and friends.”

The President of the SRA, Nicolas PinoFor his part, he said goodbye: “Goodbye Carlitos! With deep regret and immense pain, we say goodbye to Carlos Achetoni, a person of immense human quality. His dedication and commitment to the agricultural sector have left a mark that we should all follow. We accompany his family and the @fedeagraria.”

“We regret the loss of Carlos Achetoni, president of the Argentine Agrarian Federation, a leader committed to the well-being of the agricultural sector, defending the rights of small and medium-sized producers. At this very difficult time, we want to send our sincere condolences to the family and close friends. May he rest in peace,” said the post. AAPRESID.

Nicolas Pino fired Carlos Achetoni for X (Photo x)

From the Argentine Agroindustrial Council They “deeply regretted the death of FAA President Carlos Achetoni, a sensitive loss of a great leader and person. We accompany the family and all members of the Agrarian Federation in this sad moment.”

The Board of Directors of the Buenos Aires Cereal Exchange “deeply regretted the death of Carlos Achetoni, President of the FAA, a great sector leader and person of high ideals, accompanies friends and family in this difficult moment and asks for a prayer in his memory

From the INTA Board of Directors, authorities and staff express their deepest regret for the death of the president of FAA, Carlos Achetoni, a leader dedicated and committed to small and medium-sized producers. We accompany his family and all the members.

Achetoni, president of the Agrarian Federation

CARBAP highlighted on the Carlos, may you rest in peace.”

The president of CONINAGRO, Elbio Laucirica, together with the Board of Directors of CONINAGRO, regretted “the loss of the friend and great rural leader Carlos Achetoni. A person of values ​​with whom we could share and work, committed and supportive of the producers. Our condolences to his family. Rest in peace”.

For its part, Carlos Castagnanidescribed the federated leader as: “an upright person and truly a fighter”

The Florentino Ameghino Communal Security Police Station released the report of what happened where it states that “at 00:10 a.m., police personnel receive a telephone call to the Emergency 101 subscriber, regarding a traffic accident that occurred on National Route 188 km. 305, immediately constituted police personnel confirmed a collision between a gray FIAT PALIO vehicle, driven by ACHETONI CARLOS ALBERTO (57), residing in the town of Bowen – Province of Mendoza and a FIAT 619 cereal truck with a ROMAPAR trailer driven by PEREZ HODEL PABLO EDUARDO (47)”

The police report also states that ““Both vehicles were traveling in the same direction, impacting the Fiat Palio with the rear part attached.”

The police “proceeded to completely cut off the route, with police personnel from the Ameghino Rural Prevention Command, Vial General Pinto, in order to collaborate with the traffic, ambulance and volunteer firefighters of Ameghino.”

The report states that “In the accident, ACHETONI lost his life, while PÉREZ was transferred to a local hospital without visible injuries.”. Finally, the police report indicates that the lifeless body of the president of the Argentine Agrarian Federation was transferred to the Junín Judicial Morgue.

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