A short by Jaime García Mateo receives the award for best script in Seville

A short by Jaime García Mateo receives the award for best script in Seville
A short by Jaime García Mateo receives the award for best script in Seville

A few days ago the production A love story It won an award at the Short Film Festival that EUSA organizes every year in Seville. Specifically, it won the award for best screenplay. Piloting the work, in several sections, he has also been Jaime García Mateoa very young project by a filmmaker from Almería.

The contest, which is an annual classic in the Sevillian spring programming, was held at the Zona Este cinema in the capital of Seville and featured performances by Clara Cremades and Ángela Ríos, after the corresponding red carpet sessions, photocall, screening of works and awards ceremony.

A love story narrates the intriguing awareness of a murderer, who reconstructs the genealogy of his crimes, unconscious at first, planned and cold-blooded with the passage of time. It begins very early, during his childhood, when he kills his own brother, still a baby in the crib.

As the years go by, his murderous instinct once again attacks people in his immediate emotional environment, his close friend, his girlfriend. All of these crimes share another strange and surprising constant. The bodies of the victims, hidden under the bed, mysteriously disappear the next morning. In the last of his crimes, that of her own mother celebrating her fortieth birthday, something has changed drastically. The next morning the body is still in its place. No one has removed it from under the bed. It is at that moment when he realizes that his entire criminal career has been covered by that love story that gives the short title its title, that of his mother covering for him.

The work has been one of the great sensations of the contest, among other reasons because it has been developed in more than adverse conditions. It has had to overcome severe difficulties, to the point of being forced to change direction several times and rebuild itself in just weeks, with new actors, new locations and even very substantial changes to the ultimately award-winning script. The jury awarded the story told.

But among the intangibles, I probably should have given another mention to the perseverance and perseverance of this young man from Almería who, finally, managed to put together a successful team, made up of Álvaro Requena, Juan Sierra, Matías Ramos, Candela Sánchez, Daniela Vázquez, Pilar Muñoz , Josan and María Aragón.

Jaime García Mateo has been present in all sections of the short, in addition to that diligent production work. Among his contributions, what stands out, due to the impact it later had, was his participation in that script that received recognition from the jury.

It is a very modest recognition, but a boost for Jaime García Mateo who will continue his training in Seville, although with his head full of ideas and concerns. The next project, which he is still taking shape, is a documentary about Andalusian immigration in Catalonia. Time will tell, although the recent award is undoubtedly a gratifying boost.

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