A new capítol from De cent en cent

A new capítol from De cent en cent
A new capítol from De cent en cent

The news related to the monument to the Restoration continues to occupy the present day. A representation of the Sagunt city council will travel to Valencia at the end to hold an interview with the mayor. Participation in the project will be required. As the days pass, other entities donate support to the idea. The Valencia Correspondence of May 19 stated that the «“Union Gremial Union” col·laborava with 250 pesos. The Diario de Valencia of May 21 reported that the Banc d’Espanya would participate with 5,000 pesos.

Among the visits that are going to last, such as that of the mayor of Saragossa Mr. Fabiani and other members of the City Council. They come from Celebrate Valencia with the festivities at the homage of the Valencian university students who died in the Saragossa set. Passing through the Sagunt station, there are reports of a group of Aragonese residents in the town.


The football mon is going to be news. The trio of the Saguntino CF children’s and absolute teams will stand out, as reported by Las Provincias on May 22. He first goal against Gimnástica FC, thanks to the goals scored by Galarza and Bono II. He highlighted Merenciano’s arbitration as being “good and impartial.”. The segon will play against Norte CF. Guanyà by 4 goals to 2. Score Echove Yo Alvarez. L’arbitre fou Escrig. The team did not have as much luck in the game against Atlétic CF. He will lose by 2 goals to 3, as narrated in the Diario de Valencia on June 4. The goals are scored per Jimeno Yo Alvarez.

Lluís Mesa.

The bus runners return to the regional capital. On May 20, Las Provincias announced that the first bullfight of the season was held. It was announced at 5:30 p.m., so it’s going to end in the middle of the hour. The correspondent writes that “we’re off to a good start.” The only matador will be Jose Havana. The square will be full. According to the chronicle, he “was unhappy”.

Mort i robotori

The Sagunt station will be the protagonist for two reasons. The Valencia Correspondence of May 27 explained that The fatal accident of worker Francisco Gil Agües is going to occur, in fact he is trying to repair the water tank. This saguntí was 48 years old and was married. The newspaper El Pueblo, in the second edition of May 28, is queixava due to insecurity. He said that the two guards were no longer there. He posava com a example que el 24 de maig l’italià Mr. San Giovanni there was patit robotori of 5,370 lires at the time of bidding on the train.

The social event is going to be the wedding ofAdela López Colomerfilla del qui havia sigut mayor and deputy Ramon Lopez. She is going to marry the merchant of Valencia Vicente Vento López de Guevara in the church of Santa Maria.

fatal fall

Another accident is going to be the accident on the Camí Vell de la Mar pel veí Jose Pomer in Caure with his car to the drought. He was 30 years old and was a fadrí. He will die a few hours later in his home.

At the beginning of June, the sculptor of the Restoration monument was named. It was also announced that the author of the crim of Sagunt. But, now and some other news, they will form part of the following De cent en cent.

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