solves the mysterious murder of Don Fernando in the Castle of Santa Bárbara

solves the mysterious murder of Don Fernando in the Castle of Santa Bárbara
solves the mysterious murder of Don Fernando in the Castle of Santa Bárbara

All citizens of Alicante are invited to the luxurious reception organized by Lord Rodrigo, the feudal lord of the Castle of Santa Bárbara, and his wife, Lady Isabela, to show off a mysterious treasure that they have brought from distant lands. But A murder truncates the luxurious event and the visitors find themselves in a race against time to find the culprit.

This is the idea behind the activity Murder Mystery from the Fever company, where participants go from being mere assistants to professional detectives. “Immersive and original”, This is how Julieta Lipari defines the experience, project manager of activity in Spain.

“It is an experience where, through clues and testimonies from each suspect, people have to reveal a mysterious murder. The characteristic is that it is done in tourist places like the Castle of Santa Bárbara because we believe that it gives us this chilling aura that we want to generate in the players,” he points out.

[Descubre los secretos del Castillo de Santa Bárbara en una terrorífica visita para toda la familia]

The game talks in its description of “a sinister twist when one of the guests, the influential merchant Don Fernando, is found dead in the depths of the castle. “The news of the murder spreads quickly among those present, sowing panic and distrust.”

“Friar Mateo, an enigmatic and wise monk who resides in the castle, warns Lord Rodrigo that the army of Pedro IV of Aragon is on its way and that the presence of a murder could trigger catastrophic consequences for the fiefdom”he continues to explain on his Fever website.

Those indicated for this activity are, according to the person in charge, mystery lovers who want to play detective for a day. But also “those who want see the castle from another point of view and get into a captivating story.

And the adventure is told in the fortress itself with actors and medieval clothing. The detectives have to explore the various emblematic locations of the castlesuch as the dungeons, the cistern, the ravelin, the bastion, the parade ground and the ruins of the Santa Bárbara hermitage, to collect all the clues that lead to the suspect.

Lipari comments that it is an original idea to meet people, since they participate 75 people They are divided into five teams that compete for about two hours, during which time they will have to question the guests. The only requirement is to be over 18 years old.

The winning team is discovered at the end of the activity, when everyone meets to present their theory based on their research. An acted closing reveals the final mystery and that is when we know who the best detectives are. Although it may be the case that no one finds the murderer, Lipari assures that “people usually get it right because they get into the role and ask the right questions.

Another positive aspect is that no need to worry about hundreds of tourists who traditionally access to see the fortress, because Murder Mystery It is carried out in “reduced spaces only for the people who are doing the experience at that moment and at different times than the visits,” the person in charge clarifies.

The immersive experience came to the city in May, and the next activities will take place on June 11 and 22 in four sessions throughout the day, and then one day in July and another in August. An advantage of going in summer is that they will be night sessions, which will give it “a special point that will help the story,” says Lipari. They can be purchased on the Fever website for a price of 20 euros.

In Alicante they also have the Candlenightconcerts of different classical and modern styles of music surrounded by thousands of candles that define as “a multisensory experience.” From Fever they point out that their idea is to gradually organize more different leisure options in Alicante.

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