Foreign vote What is it like to vote in Madrid?

Since 2006, Mexicans residing abroad can cast their postal vote, but in these elections, the INE will launch two new modalities: electronically via the Internet and in person at one of the 23 assigned locations (20 in the United States, one in Canada and the two European ones in Madrid and Paris).

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To vote abroad you had to register on the page, select the modality of your preference and send your voter ID with your handwritten signature, as well as proof of address. Subsequently, it was necessary to wait for the deadlines for the postal or electronic vote, or today if it was in person.

On April 12, more than 39 thousand people received an email that their registration was marked as inadmissible and they were removed from the nominal list, which caused general unrest and a great movement on social networks to request his reinclusion. After media pressure, counselor Arturo Castillo, president of the VMRE Temporary Commission, decided to reaccredit more than 20 thousand citizens.

In-person elections in Madrid and Paris

The Madrid and Paris headquarters They are the only ones that were out of date with the time of Mexican territory and opened in local time, although with the same polling hours, from 8:00 in the morning to 6:00 in the afternoon. Those who were not included in the nominal list had to attend the Mexican Embassy to train and wait their turn for one of the 1,500 places that the special boxes opened in each headquarters.

That is why from 7 in the morning there was already a large crowd of people lined up waiting for the box to open. The first in line arrived at six in the afternoon on June 1st, the second, upon hearing that there were already people, decided to show up at 1:00 in the morning. Others arrived between 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning and before dawn, the line was already around the corner of the block.

Despite the cold and excessive wind, there was great spirit among voterswho cheered their favorite candidate, and cheered when the Consul of Mexico in Spain, Heenry C. Valdivia, opened the doors of the embassy to start the democratic party.

According to the latest figures from the National Electoral Institute (INE), 258,461 people will be able to vote outside the country, of which 223,961 Mexican citizens correspond to those who registered on the nominal list of residents abroad. The remainder are part of the 1,500 extra ballots that are available at each location, which gives the aforementioned total.

The inhabitants of Spain represent 5.68% of the total foreign vote, to be exact, 12 thousand 728 Mexicans. The in-person modality at this embassy was 12.65% of the total nominal list, which makes it the most chosen of the 23 locations.

Upon entering the polling station you had to present your thumbs and voter ID to verify that you had not previously voted, you were assigned a card that was synchronized with your data and later you went to one of the electronic ballot boxes, where the ballots that corresponded to your election day appeared. .

After casting your vote, a vote receipt code appeared, with which you can consult the results and verify receipt of your choice. Then you had to return to the table with the officials, where they marked your credential and inked your thumb, just as they would do in Mexico.

Who won in Spain?

The Madrid headquarters will close at 6 p.m., Spanish time, or until the last registered person casts their vote. but the votes will not be counted as a box within Mexican territory. These will be sent and compiled in an electoral vault, located in the only location in Mexico City within the Tec. de Monterrey, where through counting and counting tables, all foreign votes will be counted.

This ensures that the results of the elections are carried out in real time and there is no advantage that could alter the order. According to INE officials, we will be able to see all the votes counted and broken down until the next day, which in the case of Madrid could be until Tuesday in local time.


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