How can you buy the gas bottle with a 40% discount using a DNI Account?

How can you buy the gas bottle with a 40% discount using a DNI Account?
How can you buy the gas bottle with a 40% discount using a DNI Account?

Are getting closer the coldest months of the year and the demand for carafes In neighborhoods that do not have a natural gas network, it begins to increase. Taking into account the high price of these, the Bank Province decided to extend the benefits program for the month of June for users who pay for their purchases with DNI account and included a 40% discount on the purchase of bottled gas.

On the other hand, from the National Social Security Administration (ANSES) confirmed the continuity of the Home Program for the year 2024, with the objective that low-income households and public welfare entities can access a bottle.

What is the discount with DNI Account on the gas bottle about?

He Bank Province updated the benefits program and included discounts for the purchase of bottles. Throughout the month of June, users who pay for the purchase of bottled gas with DNI account will have a discount of 40%, with a limit of $3,600 per person, per month.

The value of the bottle is set by the Secretary of Energy and varies depending on the size of the family group, the area in which the home is located and the time of year. It is estimated that the amount covers the 80% of a 10 kg bottle per month.

How to buy the gas bottle at a discount using a DNI Account

In order to access the discounted bottle, the following steps must be followed:

  • Download DNI Account on your cell phone for free.
  • Place your ID inside the box that appears on the screen to capture the front part and then the back part.
  • Validate the identity, positioning the phone towards the center of the face.
  • Complete your personal information and associate the savings account. If you are not a bank customer, a new account will be enabled within 72 business hours.
  • Once enabled, you can start operating.
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