Morena won “a complete car,” says Mario Delgado; opposition boasts victories in 6 entities

Morena and the opposition alliance made up of PAN, PRI and PRD Victories were awarded in the nine entities where governorships are elected.

Both sides declared themselves victors in the Mexico City, Yucatán, Puebla, Morelos, Guanajuato and Veracruz.

Mario Delgado: “Morena took the entire car”

The national leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, He assured that his party took “the entire car” during election day and who won the 9 governorships in disputeincluding Mexico City.

In a press conference, the Morena leader said that citizens showed “that they want to live in democracy.”

“Once again, the people of Mexico have shown that they want to live democracy, and today we are witnesses of this historic day where massive participation shows that the peaceful and democratic revolution that began in 2018 is here to stay and has no turning back,” he said.

Regarding his estimates of the presidential election, he said that they could not yet make a statement because many polling stations were still open.

Delgado used exit poll estimates to declare Morena’s victory in the eight states and the country’s capital.

The entities in which Morena claimed to have triumphed are: Mexico City, Puebla, Morelos, Veracruz, Yucatán, Chiapas, Tabasco, Guanajuato and Jalisco.

Opposition assures that it won in 6 entities

In contrast, the opposition alliance made up of PAN, PRI and PRD assured that there was great participation and they achieved victory in six entities: Mexico City, Guanajuato, Yucatán, Puebla, Veracruz and Morelos.

“My dear friend and head of government, Santiago Taboada, congratulations for this victory that you have and we have achieved together with society and the parties of this coalition,” said Marko Cortés, leader of the PAN.

Jesús Zambrano, national leader of the PRD, He described the day as historic because they managed to move, with Xóchitl Gálvez at the helm, “millions of wills.”hearts and people who are passionate about our proposals.”

For his part, Alejandro Moreno, national president of the PRI, recognized the efforts of the citizens and remarked that “conclusively, the head of government is called Santiago Taboada.”

The opposition alliance announced its victories in the company of Santiago Taboada, candidate for the leadership of Mexico City.

Chiapas: Morena affirms that he won governorship

Eduardo Ramírez, candidate of the coalition “Let’s Keep Making History in Chiapas”made up of Morena, PT and PVEM, said in a message to the media that the polls already give it victory over its opponents Olga Luz Espinosa, from the PAN, PRI and PRD alliance, and Karla Muñoz, from Movimiento Ciudadano.

“We are respectful of the electoral results that will be announced in legal time, but based on the surveys that are already cited at the national level, I consider it prudent to give them an advance message of gratitude. First of all, in this electoral process, I thank the contenders for the governorship,” said Ramírez.

Guanajuato: competing candidates say they have an advantage of 15 points each

In Guanajuato, Libya Dennise García, candidate of Fuerza y ​​Corazón por Méxicoassured that she will be the first governor of the entity by having an advantage of 15 points on average in her different exit polls.

“We did it! Guanajuato is going to have a female governor for the first time in its history. This day the people of Guanajuato have made history. The studies we have carried out, the surveys we have allow us to say that our victory is overwhelming and that it is irreversible,” she said.

By contrast, the candidate of Let’s Keep Making History, Alma Alcarazassured that the irreversible advantage of 15 points is hers.

“The exit polls have given us as winners, winners, with a favorable trend of 15 points. “It is an irreversible trend that will be confirmed when the results are finalized,” she noted.

Alma Alcaraz. Photo: Cuartoscuro

Until 7:00 p.m., the Citizen Movement candidate had not spoken. regarding the result of the election.

Citizen Movement affirms that it retains Jalisco with a 20-point lead

In Jalisco, where he currently governs Citizen Movement, the candidate of this party, Pablo Lemusassured that he took the victory.

“I can share with you that we are 20 points up in the exit poll, that is, we are going to be a great government for the people of Jalisco. I want to thank you for all your support and, of course, the enormous commitment to governing this great state.”

Pablo Lemus, candidate of the Citizen Movement in Jalisco.

Morena’s candidate, Claudia Delgadillo, claimed to be the winner. In her X account she wrote:

“We won the election! Jalisco won! Now to take care of our victory, let’s defend the vote at the polls and in the district meetings.”

Morelos will have a governor; the three candidates claim victory

The three candidates for the governorship of Morelos They declared themselves winners of the election, a few minutes before the polls closed on June 2.

Morena’s candidate, Margarita González Zarabia, She declared herself the winner through her X account.

“After gathering information from my campaign team and reviewing the trends in the exit polls, we can confirm that the numbers favor us in each and every exercise and that the advantage of more than double digits at this point is irreversible” , wrote.

For its part, Jessica Ortega de la Cruzapplicant Citizen movement, He thanked the people of Morelos “who gave their trust and believed in his project” and promised not to fail them, without giving details about a possible advantage in his favor.

Lucia Virginia Meza Guzmán, who represents the PRI-PAN-PRD, acknowledged “excellent news” about the election results during the day this Sunday.

Puebla: Delgado and Moreno give victory to the candidates of their respective alliances

When the polls closed on June 2, two candidates for the governorship of Puebla declared themselves winners of the state election through their political parties.

Eduardo Rivera
Eduardo Rivera, candidate of the PAN-PRI-PRD in Puebla.

The National leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, announced that three pollsters “give a clear victory” to Alejandro Armenta. Meanwhile, the national leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, assured that the candidate of the PRI-PAN-PRD alliance, Eduardo Rivera Pérez is the one who takes the lead.

Alejandro Armenta, Morena candidate in Puebla
Alejandro Armenta, Morena candidate in Puebla

Tabasco: May says she has an irreversible advantage

Javier May, candidate of Morena, PVEM and PTassured that it has “irreversible and overwhelming advantage.” He also declared that Morena won the 17 municipalities in the state, the 21 local and 6 federal councils, as well as the senators.

Photo: Social Networks Javier May
Photo: Social networks Javier May.

For its part, the PRD candidate, Juan Manuel Fócilassured that The results favor him in at least 8 municipalitiesalthough he said he had no exit polls.

In the same sense, when questioned about Mario Delgado’s statements, where he affirms that Morena won the governorship, Juan Manuel stated that “it is a big lie.”

In addition, he accused that they are removing PRD representatives from the vote count.

“We want to ask all our polling station representatives, throughout the state, to remain and be in the vote counting. “It is illegal for them to want to remove them from where the votes are being counted.”

Veracruz is disputed by Nahle and Yunes

The candidate of the coalition “Let’s Keep Making History for Veracruz”, Rocío Nahle, He boasted a wide lead in the exit polls.

“The exit polls give us a wide advantage, especially in the state and for our candidate, the future president of Mexico, the numbers are also very favorable in Mexico and, above all, in Veracruz,” said Nahle.

The standard bearer of the Morena, PT, PVEM and FPM coalition assured that she will defend every vote of the citizens and will wait for the results district by district for the federal and local councils. She announced that she will do a thank you tour and will announce her work plan.

For his part, J.Osé Francisco Yunes Zorrilla, from the PRI, PAN and PRD alliance, He also declared himself the winner of the governorship. However, he asked to stay in the boxes until the INE’s quick count was known to prove the victory.

“We won the gubernatorial elections. However, exit surveys in general, which are the data accessible today at this time, still report a very high percentage of respondents with non-response, which limits their reliability,” Yunes mentioned.

At the press conference in which he was accompanied by Beatriz Paredes, he thanked voters, polling station officials and those who contributed to the election day being carried out in an orderly and peaceful manner.

Yucatán: PAN says it retains governorship; Morena wins by 10 points

In Yucatán, where the PAN governs, the candidate of the PAN-PRD-PRI-Nueva Alianza alliance, Renan Barrera Conchawas declared the winner of the election.

“According to all our estimates and different measurement tools from exit polls, we can affirm that we have the majority support of the Yucatecans and we have decisively won the governorship of Yucatán,” said Barrera.

Renan Barrera.
Renan Barrera.

Likewise, the opposition candidate, Joaquín “Huacho” Díaz Menafrom Let’s Make History, assured that he was the winner of the election and that his victory was overwhelming.

“Exit polls reveal an irreversible trend. “We have won the governorship of Yucatán decisively, with more than 10 points of difference,” he assured.

Joaquín “Huacho” Díaz Mena
Joaquín “Huacho” Díaz Mena

With information from Marcela Nochebuena

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