More than 39,000 students begin their EvAU exams today on the Madrid campuses

More than 39,000 students begin their EvAU exams today on the Madrid campuses
More than 39,000 students begin their EvAU exams today on the Madrid campuses

Of the total number of applicants, 12,902 do so at the Complutense University of Madrid, 9,690 at the Autonomous University of Madrid, 5,655 at the Carlos III University of Madrid, 5,335 at the University of Alcalá, 4,173 at the Rey Juan Carlos University and, finally, 1,488 at the University of Madrid. Polytechnic.

The exams will take place from today until Thursday, while Friday will be the turn of the coincident subjects and any incidents that may have occurred. People who cannot attend due to duly accredited exceptional circumstances will have the right to participate in the extraordinary call – from July 2 to 4 – without being penalized in the admission processes.

Today the core subjects in the Science and Technology modality were held; tomorrow those of Arts, General and Humanities and Social Sciences, while on Wednesday and Thursday the electives will be carried out. Friday has been reserved for possible incidents and those cases in which a student has not been able to take an exam due to time coincidence.

Students with specific educational support needs may benefit from adaptations in formatting and marking to ensure equity. In the case of schoolchildren with dyslexia, they will be evaluated mainly on the basis of content and shorter than usual length of answers or unusual presentation will not be penalized. They will also be provided with extra paper, since in many cases the font size is large and the directionality is irregular. And they may request the reading of the questions by the members of the court.

People with disabilities may take the exams in braille, with the adapted format and special font type and size or with adaptation of graphic representations, among other possibilities. And be accompanied by a specialist technician (interpreter guide, sign language interpreter, etc.), ask for help from a member of the court or request the reading of the statements, among other facilities at your disposal.

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