The real reason for Kiko Jiménez’s tears after being expelled from ‘Survivors 2024’

This edition of ‘Survivors 2024’ is being very intense. We have seen how Ángel Cristo Jr (42 years old) was expelled in a disciplinary manner by the organization, as well as different confrontations between the contestants that have led to them separating into two quite different groups. After the expulsion of Bárbara Rey’s son, the contest needed to fill its space, and the choice depended on the public, who had to choose between the last two eliminated from the program: Kiko Jiménez (31 years old) or Blanca Manchón (37 years old). After voting last Thursday, last night we learned that the audience wanted to save the athlete, making the Andalusian the official expelled from the reality show, a moment in which he could not contain his tears.

The reason for Kiko Jiménez’s tears

After the initial shock of finding out that she had been saved, Blanca Manchón left with her companions, Aurah Ruiz and Marieta, to the beach where the rest of her companions were waiting for them. The Olympian couldn’t believe that the contest was giving her one more chance (remember that she has even been expelled from it on two occasions) so she was very excited about it.


After the girls left, it was the moment when Kiko was left alone with Sandra talking to him from the set, the moment when he finally broke down and became emotional. “You don’t have to feel bad. I wouldn’t want you to leave this adventure a second time with a bad feeling.“, the presenter began by saying. “Because, look Kiko, enduring 87 days like you have endured, with a sense of humor, fishing, doing everything and more and without complaining, is not easy at all, giving everything in the tests, entertaining the public, what more do you want? Thank you very much”.

Kiko Jiménez and Sandra BarnedaKiko Jiménez and Sandra Barneda

Upon hearing these words, Kiko burst into tears., putting his hands to his face, being one of the moments in which we have been able to see him most fragile and vulnerable. “I’m getting excited about you because I know what you want in this contest., what you like, the goals you had and nothing happens. ‘Survivors’ is a huge format,” confessed Sandra, who also wanted to emphasize that “Only the great ones can go as far as you, please Kiko, don’t go wrong“. The presenter tried to encourage him by reminding him that he was going to meet his people and that she herself plans to give him a big hug when she sees him, for which Kiko could only thank him. “Sometimes you are wrong about things, other times you are right. This is a contest. The only thing that can be said is that you are entertaining the public every week and that It was a success that Poseidon gave you a second chance. Thank you Kiko, really,” he concluded.

The sad and hard farewell to Kiko Jiménez

Kiko could only say thank you, trying not to talk too much to hold back the tears, which were fighting to flow. Little by little, she tried to calm down, at which point she confessed that leaving her made her very “sad”, but she confessed that she felt like she had “taken advantage of the opportunity”, although she couldn’t help feeling sadness at “thinking that I will no longer see this place that I hate but love. We have experienced many things here“, he commented, through tears. Sandra, from the set, tried to console him by commenting on how hard this reality show is, to which Kiko agreed: “It’s very hard. But The harder it is, the more you realize the feelings you may feel here. I have experienced wonderful things, like when Sofía came to see me here. “It’s been incredible,” she concluded.

Kiko Jiménez criesKiko Jiménez cries

One last news for Kiko

After this emotional moment, Kiko’s mother-in-law, Maite Galdeano, did not hesitate to send him encouragement from the set, telling him how well he had done the contest and how proud they were of him in Madrid. Furthermore, she told him something that he did not know and that He had traveled to Honduras to meet Rubén Torres, the firefighter who drives the woman crazy. “I have been very close to you on the beach, in Honduras. But the best of all is that Torres wants a relationship with me.”

Kiko Jiménez and Maite GaldeanoKiko Jiménez and Maite Galdeano

Kiko was stunned by this confession, stating that “they had to talk about it.” Maite commented that she was “very happy. My head went away with emotion, you know that falling in love is like that.” When the Andalusian found out about the kiss between his mother-in-law and his partner, he couldn’t believe it. “I’m happy for you. With love you are very lucky,” although she also assured that she does not plan to share a table with Torres at parties like Christmas Eve, ensuring that she sees this possible relationship as “a summer love.” And the surprises do not end here, because when he returns to Spain Kiko will find out that his girlfriend, Sofía Suescun (27 years old) is going to leave him for a season to participate in ‘Survivors: All Stars’, a program that brings back some of the best contestants who have been through reality shows over the years.

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